
Wow....what's that, 30 seconds in photoshop?

I hate myself for the fact that I'll probably buy this game when it comes out.

We still hate ubisoft right?

Hideous, just like the characters they're based on.

I read the last line as '"we got certain emissions" from the boys'.

I am looking forward to this game, but I could still go either way on it. It certainly is brown enough.

Anybody heard about the Imus thing? Disgusting.

The only thing I remember about the first game is that it had dwarves that were taller than the humans.

I feel sorry for The Clash, being stuck in a game like this.

This is just the greatest thing ever.

It's cute that he thinks that, I guess.

@Setzer IIDX: You did, the song's about a school shooter.

Did anybody even care about this game? They have this running joke at a music site I frequent, where members post about making a sandwich when a band they don't care about breaks up. I think the same thing applies here.

Fuck Ubisoft. I really have no respect for this company any more. They're on my blacklist with EA. They produce nothing but shit, even their "AAA" games are crap, and they think they know how to manage a handheld system. Fuck 'em.

I'd just like to say this.

I think it looks fun.

No, please, no PC version. T_T

Apparently, they have these new games that make moving pictures on your tv. They call it "video games".

Bioshock is an ok game. It wasn't game-of-the-year in my opinion but a decent game nonetheless. There was so much buzz about the moral dilemmas and how you could set up every encounter and so on, that people already thought it was a masterpiece before they had it in their hands, and didn't consider changing that