
I've gotten some answers to that question today that I was not getting yesterday. I finally got "42."

I very, very rarely used voice commands on my Droid X in the 17 months I had it. I've used Siri so much in the couple days I had it I love it. I've been on the Android side since the first Droid. I feel that I've made a good choice to swap sides.

They offered a similar deal last year for people who bought a Droid X before a certain date. Then they screwed over all of those customers by trying to say it was pre-season only games. Hope they get it right this time...

@RonCey: Ok then, I'll reword it: I can't believe these people are buying a console for a Tales game.

The Tales games just bore me. I really did give them a chance, it just didn't click at all. I can't imagine people buying a console for one.

Did anyone even play that 300 game? Especially in Thailand? It was only on the PSP if I recall right.

Who invited Gamecock?

Ico > SOTC

I like it a little better than the 360 version, though I think you'd have to be nuts to buy both.

I played this game for a while last year (kinda late to the party, you could say). It's banal as hell, but like most boring MMO's it's fun enough if you have friends to play with. On the DS though, I just don't see it working.

Game reviewers are lazy. Ever read EGM? Every single one of their reviewers has the same writing style and they all use the same phrases over and over again.

I want this. I can't explain it but I want it.

Pretty hot. But what are those girls doing there?

The fat princess is a lot more refreshing than the usual improbably-hot / spunky princess.

Weird, I don't think I've ever heard of this til now. Well, I'll check out the system requirements and give it a shot.

Why is that picture so hilarious?

@ProdigalMoon: It's not but it would be awesome if it was because God Hand is a fucking great game.

Ok then.

Ibuki would be better. Cammy is ok I guess.

Not all japanese comics are porn. Just 99% of them. Kidding.