
Because author sets the entire article up with *So like many Americans, I occasionally turned to healing crystals for help.*

You forgot to file this under The Onion correct? 

This has been the new business model for many big companies recently. They have realized there’s all these kids fresh out of college that will work for basically nothing for the ‘opportunity’ to prove themselves. In reality they are just looking for cheap labor, barely train them for their current job and give them no

This so much. This isn’t the 90s where you needed years of coding experience to set up your own “pay-for-whatever-you’re-selling” website. With a few days of watching YouTube how to’s you can literally set up your own site hosted in some other country that has a half dozen secure payment methods for your clientele. The

Exact same thing happened with The North Face. In the 70s and 80s the only ones wearing it were actual climbers or backpackers/outdoors types. It was highly utilitarian and only served a small niche market. I believe when they expanded to skiware in the 80s it really caught on with the Vail crowd and the company has se

And yet El Salvador isn’t even mentioned in this article.

Your completely correct and I think it could be a good learning experience to teach kids how words and phrases have been used by groups to justify their shitty beliefs/behavior for a long time. It’s so relevant to today it hurts to think about.

I’m not sure why states right got pushed into the ‘contributing factors’ because at the most basic level, all of the others fall under it. At least that’s what the secessionist states boiled it down to. They didn’t want the federal government in Washington to override their ‘right’ to keep slaves, or tell them how they

An historical anomaly is putting it lightly. Midwifing has been observed in other primate species like bonobo. It’s a survival instinct for others in the group to want make sure every newborn and mother have the best chance of surviving the birth especially in primates because of our low birth rates, high gestational

I had to stop reading after that sentence. I don’t care how well thought out his argument was after that but it’s is so egreriously untrue it made anything said after not worth reading. Raping, pillaging, enslaving, salting the Earth. These have been a part of war since before war was a word. It has always been the

“Ford sent the email about 90 minutes after The Post shared her name with a White House spokesman and hours before her identity was revealed in a story posted on its website.”

The Post reached out to the white house for comment before the story ran. Whelan looked up her LinkedIn profile after that happened but before the story was made public. He didn’t do it before the story was known to the white house. This just proves he has a high level contact inside the white house that leaked him th

I’ll call it now, partially torn/damaged patella. It sucks but is manageable until you have lean into a throw and plant that front foot. It doesn’t destabilize your knee like an ACL/MCL tear but feels fucking awful when you torque it.

Short selling isn’t betting on a company to fail. It’s the financial equivalent of calling bullshit on an over valued company/industry. Have you not watched the ‘Big Short’? Are you suggesting guys like Michael Burry and many others, who shorted the entire US housing market, are the bad guys instead of the lending inst

I think it being so wet was the reason. The wheel could still slide for a bit even though it was perpendicular to his destination. The high side ‘whip’ effect happens when the when back wheel regains traction.

If this is how he acts when some random dude criticizes his actions I can’t imagine how he acts behind closed doors to his employees. I was kind of in the fence concerning his reaction to some of the negative articles written about Tesla in the past because I thought some we’re being overly negative but this pretty muc

It doesn’t help when your editor says he draws the line at posting sex tapes for anyone under 4 years old. Talk about hanging yourself on the stand.

And Reuben Foster this year.

Thankfully we have good insurance so a consultant and pump won’t be a problem. She actually just called me after the first ped visit and baby had lost more weight so we definitely need to supplement more and start pumping. Obviously she was very emotional for the reasons you described and I’m just trying to be as suppo

Yeah I caught that too. The DHHS responded to Motherly’s request for comment and I think people should read it before jumping down their throats. The whole situation is a bit more nuanced than the Time article.