
Wow! This is the best commentary I have read in a long time!! Funny, true, sad, and thought provoking all at the same time!!! Loved it!

What?? You stop watching but you’re still making comments on the show? I am more confused with you than I am with the show!

Yes you are right! I am a high school teacher, and they act even worse than that! Stubborn, disrespectful, think they know it all, and refuse to listen to reason. I think the writers got it just about right!

Wow! That was an awesome episode! A great Rick Grimes send-off. And I am happy he did not die!!! Alex I think you are just plain burned out with your job, and maybe you should take a break for a while! You are way too picky!

No it is not the best thing!

I am an atheist and I’ll probably go to heaven before she does with her lyin’ ass! Good, go, hope I never have to see you again after you leave the White House!

Not all! What are you, a trump troll, or a Russian troll?? I wore my pink hat and went to the rallies, and I certainly did not vote for that asshole. Stop generalizing all the women who went to those rallies. Women are the main group that is keeping the movement going!!!
