BusPassTrollop Will You Ever Learn

Lol exactly.

K we won’t help at all. Fuck you right?


Literally all of this doesn’t apply anywhere, and it sounds like a sheltered, coddled, very imaginative 26 year old wrote it.

There is no evidence that being aggressive towards someone, calling them names, and dismissing their arguments, which is what most people seem to do, changes minds. There is tons of evidence for the opposite approach, kindness, listening, and civilly offering counter-arguments, does. Here is one example:

You are a walking billboard for Trump 2020 or Pence 2020. Do please keep it up. Your woke shit is brilliant. So you got a B in English and word-per-day calendar and now you are some kind of race poet? Nah, bruh.

So, be a bitter piece of shit, essentially?

dumpster-hearted wypipo

His grandson huh


Reminds me of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

Ten rounds isn’t quickly.

How can one be “too damn upset” by a double murderer going free? To my knowledge, no white people rioted in the aftermath of the OJ verdict. What about their reaction was out of bounds in your mind?

He wasn’t “allowed” to fight. He challenged the champion and that challenge was accepted, because that is how a champion defends his status. Fighting doesn’t have diversity quotas or affirmative action.

The sport exists to sell tickets to people who wish to pay and watch. If a 0-0 guy is what it takes to sell the highest grossing fight in history then what is your problem exactly?

Gennady Golovkin is actually the real “Great White Hope,” and widely recognized as one of the best, if not the best, in boxing today. Floyd would never even consider fighting him, and wouldn’t have even in his own prime.

People tried to find a deeper meaning in Mayweather/McGregor? For one, considering their respective track records, Mayweather is probably the rare Black person who is worse than some Irish dude playing a racist on TV. Dude went on a Twitter rant shaming a girlfriend who decided to get an abortion. He took this fight

To be clear, Conor Mcgregor didn’t lose last night. A guy who has never boxed professionally in his life got in the ring and made more than any other boxer will make this year (except for his opponent) any many of the people cheering at his loss helped contribute to that.