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    I also didn't think he's an asshole. I'm incredibly culturally assimilated and think of myself as British over Indian, but would find it pretty difficult to date someone who had no clue about their heritage (whatever it is). I appreciate Mindy is a cartoonish character, but the fact she has no idea what religion she

    I'm not sure there's such a clear distinction between the two families. Aziz's dad was certainly not rich in India (we don't know about the mum, but let's assume not since it was arranged), but I don't think we've ever seen Mindy's parents back in India pre-Mindy. We've seen them being rich after retirement in India,

    i honestly don't understand why you find it inappropriate or weird. They are two of the main South Asian TV actors around at the moment and (in the shows they created and helped write) had episodes about their heritage. I thought of MoN immediately when I started watching this episode.

    Umm that wasn't my example, but that's still not right. There are similarities and they can understand some words. But they cannot "converse just fine".

    No they don't . . . In Europe, at least, an apertif is an alcoholic drink that starts off a meal.

    OK, thanks both.

    Fair - sorry. I should have said French and Spanish or something like that.

    A slightly off topic question - he spoke Tamil in Trivandrum (the capital of Kerala which was created to unify Malayalam-speaking peoples) and was understood in markets? The languages are linked but I thought it was like the Romance links of English and French. I'm a terrible Malayalam speaker but can only understand

    Yes! That reminded me of how much I love PB.

    But this is a one-dimensional unbelievable ogre. You can understand that Danny prefers a woman to be at home (it's traditional). You can't understand that Danny would do that in the face of the woman saying explicitly that she doesn't want this, and (one assumes) with everyone else in his life, including Annette,

    I mean, that was the only nutjobby part, wasn't it?

    I honestly wish it had called him out more. Mindy was pretty gentle with him, and seemed to accept his criticisms of her too easily - she has absolutely smashed it with motherhood and working and whatnot, while he's been away. I'm so surprised no one has explicitly said that his view that women should stay at home is

    I mean it's actions and arguments isn't it? Leaving their kid to look after an estranged father for months together with a caveman position that the mother has to stay home and can't work without being a bad mother.

    I agree with the last sentence. As for the traditional thing - we've seen flashes of him being more progressive (e.g. with Richie) to subvert his cranky old Italian ways. This seems like regression to Season 1 Danny.

    Well not in a modern third wave sort of way. But he was raised by a strong woman and chose two strong women to marry, so I thought he was intended to be better than this.

    Uh. Anna Camp is her best friend. Though probably dead now for all we know.

    Just to be clear - he's British so says "arseholes".

    So the only good moment in this was the 90 seconds at the kitchen counter when they chatted about Leo. Otherwise:

    Shocking that I didn't fully set out Rules 801-807 of the Federal Rules of Evidence and the residual common law rules (if I were American) or section 114 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 (if I were English).

    PS. The standard definition of hearsay is what you say above. Legally, it's information that is heard from the person with first-hand knowledge about the issue which is being used in court to show its truth. For example: if I testify in court that John told me that Frank killed Bob, that's hearsay. It may be