
I seriously want to get one of those bun things and make a doughnut on my head too!

No, I was already car free for 2 years and I just leased this one about 2 years ago. BUT, I will probably be cutting my gas budget in half. So that will be a plus.

I know. I feel the same way about a roomie. I've been getting used to having no roommates. It's kind of like moving back in with your parents after college!
The person I'm considering moving in with seems very easy going though, I could probably handle it for a year while saving up to be on my own by next year. Plus,

It doesn't really get much cheaper further away. I figure after a year, I will know the surrounding areas much better too.

Looking for advice.

John Lithgow was awesome. Really the only reason.

Dex went downhill after the Trilogy Killer season. They could never, ever top that.


Ha, I was thinking the same thing.

I LOVE ELEPHANTS!! They are so awesome and so smart! I can watch this all day.

Celebrity, Sex, Fashion for Women. Without Airbrushing.

Me too....I need more NOW!

Looove Taystee!!

Walking through the mall last month, I noticed a lot of belly shirts in the younger-geared stores like Forever 21. I just thought, damn, I really can't pull that off now!

Ha,ha. Love the name, I should of guessed. Thanks!

Which app is this? It may help me keep track!

Now that Lindsay (hopefully) has her shit together..her mom is going to go off the deep end without having a party buddy.

Just when you open the foil lid off the little ones, like Yoplait. They tend to bubble up from the extra oxygen and explode all over. I stopped taking them to work because I ended up with a shirt full of yogurt! I live at 8150 above sea level in Colorado.

No, but they all are filled with air for sure. ...Looking like they are ready to pop any second. I know not to buy the normal ones because that means there is a hole in the bag somewhere. All my friends that visit are always in awe of this. Ha ha The explosion of yogurt when opened is worse than normal too.