
It is hard for me since I live at such a high altitude. It seems like every food package balloons up. It's fun though when I buy a bag of chips at lower altitude and drive up to go home. Nothing can scare the shit out of you more than when that bag pops while you are driving!

Any couple who releases staged photos like that to announce that they are a couple screams "FAKE! "

Thanks, but I think I will wait till the official update. Maybe a few days after the official update since everyone will be trying to update at once!

I tried doing this same thing, but with Apple customer service. They wouldn't contact the owner unless I was in law enforcement. Pretty crappy. So I just turned the phone over to the police. Next time, I will know to contact carrier!

Why is John Cusack such an ass? Doesn't he know the only thing likable about him is the films he made in the 80's! Why not connect with the fans who made you, asshole!?

I believe it. It's being going on for a while and Kris is pissed now, so she finally outed him to make some money.
It probably helped him that basketball was in the off season. He played pretty crappy in the last season and kept getting traded. I've seen some of their show, and he has a history with drug use. I'm

Not all people who do crack end up looking like Dave Chapelle's character. My brother was doing crack and he looked perfectly fine, other than the raging temper.

This was mine...

I was just telling my friend the other day that I'm not good at conversions because I would always cheat off the Trapper Keeper folders! ha,ha.

So many good recipes for them. My parents could have at least kicked it up a notch to make my young taste buds like them. I didn't start eating them until a few years ago..too many flashbacks.

I can hear the sounds of the velcro now...

The gold, silver, and the bronze are my favorites. I ordered some for "work".

Oh, "Come on!"

You can make it yourself too. Just add some vinegar to milk and let it curdle! Yummo :/

Hey, when I was a kid a tablespoon of any veggie would have been fine with me! Ha,ha...Brussel sprouts were my worst nightmare.

I just keep thinking of what he said during court because it was soooo sick. Which was basically, I didn't do anything wrong, I just didn't let them leave.— What the actual fuck?!

I woke up last night to go to the bathroom and glanced at my phone. The CNN update was there with this news. Even in my half asleep/half awake brain, I thought that the creep took the easy way out. What a coward.

Yes, I am bothered by the "he saved us tax-payer money by killing himself" comments. Just because...really? How much tax-payer money does that actually save? We still pay taxes, they aren't going to be lowered because this ass killed himself. Plus, there are plenty of other prisoners in jail who have done much less

I Know! That song has been my summer jam too.

Yes. There are certain foods you don't need to get organic, but some you positively do. Strawberries tops the list of foods to splurge on for the organic. I only buy them if they are on sale expensive.