
I melt just at the smell of truffle oil.

Well, I heard it on other news sources there's that.

Yes, when she gets out of the ocean...someone better go up to her and tell her to smile!

Update! According to CNN, she is now just 2 miles away.

So funny because I have a weird old person story too. It must be in the air. This past weekend I was driving over to a friend's house. When I got off at the exit, there was an old man walking by with hiking poles. So I didn't pull up all the way to the stop so he could walk by. He was walking by very slowly, which I

I watched one of my childhood favorites, The Incredible Shrinking Woman yesterday. The garbage disposal scene still scares the crap out of me to this day. Even though I know she'll make it out...I can't look when she falls in there! Stay away from Galaxy Glue folks, and happy b-day to Lily!

My life has been in a weird whirlwind all summer. Long, drawn out break-up with the bf, and waiting patiently for a job I applied for in April to come through. I've been getting the runaround on both things. I'm also paying tons in rent now that the bf moved out too.

If you "forget" you are carrying a gun, then you probably shouldn't be carrying one around. But, really, I'm pretty sure she was just trying to sneak it through. She probably has been successful before.

Yes, that's what I thought too. Such a shame. It seems like CDAN has some personal issue with Thicke though. I mean, the blinds aren't really that juicy considering it is Thicke.

Yep. CDAN has been posting stuff about him all morning.
Her bikini top is very confusing for me though. It fully covers her left boob, and doesn't cover the right at all. Is it just a one boob bikini top? Is that the new style?

Love that movie too! One of my all time faves...two dollars...ha ha

Yes! I just got an email today from the company I work for that it has been released 7 days early for us. We have 2 Starbucks on our property.

I confess, I sometimes stalk the Teen Mom twitter pages when I'm, do those girls have constant drama...especially Jenelle. You wouldn't believe the young fans they have. They look up to them as role models!!! I've seen them tweet it! Seriously. It is shocking.

I just watched that movie the other day! ha,ha,ha. Classic.

I just picture a bunch of teen girls, not knowing any better, working extra hours babysitting/or at the local fast food joint to buy Farrah stuff. So sad.

Okay, this is my second "Sixteen Candles" post in two days. But, it fits so well!

I went to Auschwitz last Spring. It was such a somber experience. I took pictures of course, but none including people. Everyone in our group, from all over the world, were pretty respectful. The dude in the gas chamber, I'm surprised a spirit of someone who died there didn't photo bomb him!

I've come across people with constant bad breathe before. It's strange because I can pick up on it just by talking to them and I have to back away. When I mention to someone else that so-and-so has bad breath they just laugh and think I'm just being mean. So, I guess some people aren't as sensitive to it.

I watch basketball too, and I was just under the assumption he wasn't playing at his best because of the reality show. I didn't think drugs, even though all the signs were there looking back now. I hope he can make it through okay. My brother was addicted to crack and I know how painful it can be for family and

"The way it is for Some" —-keywords.