Dear Dr. Carson, why do you always look like you’re high? Seriously, with those half-closed eyes, that slow, catious, Snoop-Dogg-like cadence, and the sh#t that comes out of your mouth, it’s the only logical explanation.
Dear Dr. Carson, why do you always look like you’re high? Seriously, with those half-closed eyes, that slow, catious, Snoop-Dogg-like cadence, and the sh#t that comes out of your mouth, it’s the only logical explanation.
I hope this woman gets the mental health care she needs. Why didn’t anyone go out and check on this woman and her child? I mean, just to see if everything was okay. If they needed hot soup, a jacket or possibly Child Services? What is wrong with us? Why are children dying needlessly in one of the richest countries on…
My nieces, 16, 9 and 7 would all kill me if they saw me doing this shizzle in public. And, I would let them. Hilary, girl, just be your uptight self. Tell the truth, you prefer to remain professional in public, but in private —- let them wonder. And, you can stop hiding Bill. We all know he’s going to mess up. Just…
Oh my god. Miss Jones, I bow to you. Your eloquence is spot on.
“..and don’t let your praying knees get lazy!” I love it!!! Seriously, whatever she’s on is the sh—!
Lord, if only his mother had had access to birth control....
Dear Mrs. Palin,
I am surprised and heartbroken to read the other replies by family members of addicts. Perhaps now that most of us have realized that addiction does not discriminate and is in fact, quite liberal in its application, we can join together to support addiction resources that work. Obviously drug laws need to be widely…
But, Tara, it is obvious you just need to WORK HARDER AND LONGER HOURS! So, to Jeb! you are doing exactly what you “sposed to be doing”! A vote for Jeb! is a vote for indenturedness. You have to hand it to the Repblicans, they make some working class people belive their polices will actually help them. And, as long as…
Would someone please do this town a public service and send a decent hair dresser there? Just your basic, cut and color, nothing too extreme, but this has been bothering me. I can’t even talk about the fashion choices. I’ll leave that to stronger souls.
This is obviously terrible. However, why are some people so shocked that it could happen in a well-to-do, i.e. white neighborhood? Would it have been more expected and accepted coming from a neighborhood that was less affluent? I don’t think ignorance, stupidity and just plain out horrible reside more in any one area…
Oh my. Dear Mrs. Davis, perhaps a revisit of the Bible’s teachings is in order.
And by “everyone” Graydon, do you mean YOU? Because I would not want to be friends with anything but this guy’s wallet.
Why you gotta pick on Al?
Wow. I admit to being hella old; nonetheless, WTF are some of these people wearing? Seriously, there’s edgy, whimsical, original and then there is “hot freakin’ mess.” Just imagine all of the time, expense and bejeweling that went on with some of these creations and some of them still look dreadful. Who are these…
Wait, what, is that woman - white? If so, that explains why her azz wasn’t shot at once she exited the vehicle.
To me this just kinda takes away from some GOP presidential candidates who say as soon as a sperm fertilizes an egg it is ready for prime time. I personally don’t think any of the images are horrid, startling, but in no way horrid. But, let’s be honest, there is no way any sane person could say that we are complete at…
Wow. I’ll be going on a police ride-along soon. Hope I have an officer as kind as that. However, let’s be honest, had the young man been of color and was smoking a cigarette, he might be dead now.
Dear Mrs. Fiorina formerly Miss Sneed,