
Now that just seems unfair.  Some of these operations are just legitimate scams to fleece clueless end users of their money, no laundering included!

But they revolutionized art based money laundering by removing the need for those pesky artists, art galleries, and galas! The future is now!

Could it just be that there aren’t yet all that many EV/hybrid CUVs/SUVs/minivan type cars that women are more likely to buy yet? I remember reading somewhere that women are much more likely to buy the CX5/CRV/Highlander/Pacifica type cars than men. There hasn’t been as many EV options for CUVs/SUVs until more

I already own it.

I saw an Oompa Loompa drinking a Pina Colada at Trader Vic’s

I used to be a manager at a movie theater. The two magic words to get just about any outside food past the ticket usher: “I’m diabetic.”

I miss interiors that are this simple and utilitarian. As far as I am concerned this is the perfect automotive interior.

Back in my day, Lifehacker used to be about useful things like setting up a media server. Now it’s cringe AF content like this.

I’d rather people think I’m old than embrace social media platforms that convince people to eat dishwasher detergent packs. And using one space after a period is just wrong, like pineapple on a pizza or wearing a baseball hat backwards. Just wrong.  Now get off my lawn.

OK everybody!  We changed the video game cowboy’s name!  Problem solved!  Please resubscribe to WoW?


You know, the snake bag you probably just have lying around at your house too.

I never understood what is so fun about watching someone else play a video game or talk about a video game for hours… wouldn’t you rather just be playing the game yourself?

It’s official… I have come to the realization that I am now an “old head”. Kaitlyn who? Twitch what?

Now playing

I am reminded of the Tom Haverford bit from Parks & Rec where he talks about “apps and zerts”. We quote it a lot, but mostly in a jokey way (“let’s have chicky chicky parm parm for dinner”)

Selling meat on the street.

A carnivwhore.

Why is the explainer only for old *white* men?  I don’t want Bill Cosby touching me anywhere either, thankyouverymuch.

Also, referring to everything you find pleasing as “porn” is getting a little old too.

I long for the “let’s drop vowels” naming trend to die.

Oh crap, I was doing it wrong. I did the C25K but I did walk and jog and never ran full out. I felt I was not young and fit enough for sprinting. Did complete the program and did run a 5K charity race at 42 minutes. Not good but not bad for someone 60 pounds overweight.