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I’m near Cleveland as well. And I was just in San Diego. I love Cleveland, it’s a really underrated place, but I would spend the months of November-March in San Diego every year if I had the option.

If they want to see the steps and pictures of how I built a climbing tower for my cats, they’re welcome to it. Same for my grocery list.

High top chucks have been working for me for years.

Didn’t ready the story. I just came here to say whoever is in the title picture is the definition of a lizard creature in human skin.

I was going to make a similar comment about rabbit turds, but you beat me to it.

That’s true, you definitely don’t need to. It seems to have really helped me personally though. I do something very similar but when I kick the intensity up I change the pattern on purpose.

Another thing to note with cadence is that it will affect your breathing if you’re using your step count to time your breaths.

A reference that only a Clevelander would get. But that’s ok because if they knew how good it was the line would be even longer

I’m glad Cuyahoga is on here. It’s not as exciting as the Grand Canyon or something like that, but the grand canyon doesn’t have that kind of foliage.

If the visual dictionary books are still cannon, then R2-D2 is actually centuries old, as is the astromech standard. I imagine in that amount of time the naming convention could get very convoluted.

Because it’s for passing.

Best of U.S. and Mexico? America would encompass Mexico.

I think it’s interesting to consider what it actually means to be part of the “sharing economy”. If you’re a contractor and you bought a new car or are putting mileage and wear on new car you bought anyway, is it really “sharing”?

As a resident of NE Ohio, I should take offense at how low Cuyahoga is on this list. But I don’t. It’s really nice to have nearby and I’m glad it exists but there’s nothing super spectacular about it.

In the context of the actual interview, this was a terrible thing to say. It came of as “As a women, you’re pretty dumb so let me explain how things work”.

Don’t get in LeBron’s way when he’s in transition to the locker room.

Hah, it’s true that segment was awesome

And incredibly entertaining. Do you think anyone talked to him. Like, “Hey Charles, you know can’t say that the Hawks should have killed someone to keep the Cavs from making 3's right?”

Can we discuss Charles Barkley self-destructing in the post-game analysis?

This is interesting, it seems like there are some cool aspects but making it competitive might be not be the best.