
It's overrated for the most part. If you like wood, then sure, buy a nice 260 dollar pour of the 23 year. Otherwise, there's better stuff for cheaper.

Cue laugh track.

Welcome to America, where there's mandatory minimum sentencing laws and public defenders have too many cases to really give a shit.

He would never have even gotten a liver in the first place unless he could show that he was making steps towards no longer being an alcoholic. They just don't give away livers to people who are quite obviously alcoholic and likely to drink in the future.

How is Hannah even employed as a teacher? Don't you normally need some form of educational degree or certification to teach high school students?

I think it's just done far more because that's what it turned into in recent years. Now with the whole cocktail revival going on, a cocktail bar will make it the original way. It's not bad with orange and cherry, it's just not what it was meant to be. Most people don't like the directness of an actual Old Fashioned,

Old Fashioned's aren't made with muddled orange. It's just supposed to be spirit, sugar and bitters. Hence the old fashioned title.