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    Will Mack and Elena name their first daughter Hope?

    Vaguely reminiscent of the Norman android on Mudd's Planet (ST TOS: I, Mudd) leading a group of androids bent on protecting humanoids from their own dangerous predilections.

    I was hoping it would be in Ada

    it would have been more cool if the language of the book for Aida was Ada

    Did they ever give him back the trading cards?

    if James torches him, does he become Hot Rod Lincoln?

    will it somehow leak that he has Russian foster parents?

    Yes, I saw that bar suddenly drop over 10% of the screen, it was vaguely transparent but very annoying. No other channel suffered it, so I figure it was just ABC. Haven't watched the DVR to see if it was taped, most likely it was.

    Hayley is already signed up as lead on a new ABC show

    drat, there wasn't an Alien larvae popping out the white shirt a la John Hurt

    as proven by WJ Clinton

    What role can IC Morimoto play in MCU?

    Mindy Kaling's brother pulled off the race-bending successfully enough to get into med school

    You're absolutely on track there about May vs Mei, it was done for phonetic reasons since Americans are very good at pronunciation, despite the face we are all from some other 'foreign' country. Having not taken an American name, it was a challenge to grow up constantly telling others what to call me, even with the

    Lola has been in the base garage for the entire season so far. She may not even be back to running yet, unless Coulson lets Mack work on it again.

    I'll bet a whole lot of Boeing folks were cringing when watching that beautiful C-17-custom-bus blown to smithereens, and so gratiutously, yikes.

    Darn that middle-age spread… I can totally empathize, being more Stay-Puft than anything else. Coulson should've been allowed to keep the business suit on.

    but they didn't all look like they just came out of a Hollywood Suit Outlet

    So, is it pronounced 'hemma' in the Mexican broadcast version?