
I used to use local BBSes for awhile, but I also spent a lot of time on the AOL message boards. Originally the Nintendo boards until they left, and from then forward I used (and later managed) the member fiction forums area. From that point I putzed around and didn't really keep regular at many game-centric sites,

That's pretty cool, I used to play this game quite a bit. I wouldn't mind reviving some of my old characters and seeing how they'd hold up in the new areas today.

Holy monkey arms!

I like the 'classic' version better. 'Modern' version is too heavy on synth trumpets.

This doesn't really strike me as Minecraft in space, other than the block-based shipbuilding aspect... but I would play the shit out of Minecraft in space.


I'm just super surprised/impressed, above all things, to see an Ass Ponys reference in the captions. That was one of my favorite bands of 15-18 years ago. Cheers to you, Fahey.

What weirds me out is to see folks 10+ years younger than me making threads about "kids these days..."

The visuals of the trailer make me think immediately of Cowboy Bebop.

I really liked the books, I thought they were pretty clever and well written, and included the gaming references in more subtle ways for the most part. The movie seemed to strip all of that out, and went for the hyper attention-defecit crowd, making everything anime and gaming EXTREME IN YOUR FACE WOWWWWW spaz-out


I really want to play some of these psychic games. Where do you get THOSE?

Pff. Like I'm gonna be afraid of a nation that doesn't know ham when they see it. =)

By "spectacular bacon"... do you mean ham?

Yeah, whoever took or cropped these photos has no idea what they're doing.

Oh man there used to be a BBS that I used to log into and play LORD every day, back during high school. It was pretty active though, and so there were a ton of players on the board. So much so, that Violet was not our only option in town, and there were several people playing female characters in-game. So as a giddy

This cracks me up. Valve is all "Hey guys, we heard you'd like a new game. Would you like a new game?"

I daresay they'll feel stupid all the way to the bank.

She's also apparently a math genius. How's that for a great combination?