
I am getting a Combine-from-Half-Life-2 vibe from those mech designs.

I didn't vote, because none of them looked like my lesbian warrior space bitch that I've come to know and love over a game and a quarter (still need to finish #2!) but really, how ridiculous.

Don't worry, I'm sure most of them are actually dudes.

tl;dr: "He got what he deserved, and if you disagree then you're wrong."

I actually found Pitfall to be more accurate, in terms of hit detection/hazard awareness.

There's actually a lot of geometry to render, considering everything in the world is a destructible/movable block. Just because it's got low-res texturing doesn't mean there's more going on under the hood.

That name stinks.

Playing it is even worse. Coupled with dodgy hit detection and kinda manky separation between platforms and background makes it hard to tell where to go and what will kill you.

They caught my half-drunk bottle of Gatorade once. Totally on the ball, those guys.

YES of course, you and Cairn Awaits MizJenkins, thank you! That was gonna bug me all day.

Oh wow, what is this from? I can hear it in my head but I can't place it.

Well those girls were just asking for it. Did you see what they were wearing?

Hahaha, I love it.

"Influential beyond what it should be?" Just who or what gives ANYBODY the right to determine the validity or spread of a person's belief, whether it be religious or otherwise? I don't even know what to say about that kind of thinking, other than that it's terrible.

It is pretty inconsistent to say that a person revels in the denigration of a person's belief, but is totally cool with the people who hold it. That's like saying you hate pizza, but baked dough, tomato sauce, pepperoni and cheese are alright – a belief can't exist without the people who hold it. Of course, I can't

Actually, your argument here is a fallacy - just because you can't choose your race or sexual orientation doesn't mean a thing, here.

Well I'm sorry if you felt bad, but in a way, that's good. The whole point of my post was to illustrate what kind of a crappy attitude that is, by applying it to ANYTHING else. I didn't get silly with it, but I could have written something like "I enjoy ___ series more because of the overt anti-guys-named-Steve

The post I replied to is hardly criticism. Saying something like: "I enjoy ___ series because it takes a hard look at the veritable slap on the wrist many Catholic priests received after the lengthy series of molestation allegations that've surfaced over the last decade" would be criticism. Reveling in simply bagging

"I actually enjoy the ___ series more because of the overt anti-Muslim sentiment."