Amen. (heh)
Amen. (heh)
I think I might be the only one who is sick to death of all these "so mature and gory and violent ooh" takes on Super Mario Bros. Okay - you can make something ugly/menacing looking. I get it!
Putting bitizens in their dream jobs gets you more goods per restocking than otherwise, and the higher their skill at a job, the cheaper the goods are. It's not just random placement.
I never once thought of it that way, but that is hilarious. Now I'll be thinking of it that way too. Thanks a LOT. =)
Western as in American/European vs. Asias's Eastern - not Western as in wild west.
Not to be confused with "The Kancho" which is... something else.
All this time I've been waiting on the PS3 version, as I'd heard the game itself was pretty decent. What a waste.
I'm almost positive this is from a 'fan' translation.
Sorry, I'm not mixed up at all. Clearly you'd like to think so, because I don't buy your deluded idea of 'rights' - or more appropriately, entitlement.
Man, you're setting up more strawmen than a crop farmer, but I'll address them anyway because what the hell.
I'm sorry, but this argument doesn't hold water to me. Software takes resources to create, in both R&D and man-hours of actual development, both of which cost real dollars in terms of salaries, equipment and otherwise. Simply because code and art and music are not physical, tangible objects does not mean that their…
Amen, brother.
I feel like this is a load of bunk. You have all these pirates and piracy apologists who keep saying that they steal all this software but it's okay because they wouldn't have bought it anyway – but when they are regularly using theft as their method of procurement of COURSE they're not going to buy it.
I'm really impressed with the quality of the animation. It's maybe not Street Fighter III but it's pretty darn good.
Amen, but Andy does a passable job.
I was thinking this last night, this and variations on it. You had the NES, then the SNES and that was cool. So Ultra Nintendo? Mega Nintendo? Etc etc. I'd be ok with that.
I'll third that. Cake scene.
I'm pretty sure he was talking about Roosevelt.
Oh man, that's freakin' adorable.
Has anybody mirrored this anywhere?