I agree about the second render. It looks clean, apple like, and I would like a larger home button.
I agree about the second render. It looks clean, apple like, and I would like a larger home button.
Prayers go out to fellow Arizonans in harms way.
lets say you watched one ad every minute for a year. maybe you make 5 cents for watching each ad. in one year you will have made $103,000. not bad for doing something amazingly trivial.
Controller < AC Flight Stick and Throttle.
Please stop watching fox news while simultaneously reading an obvious (baed in San Francisco and New York), liberal tech site.
Yes they sure do. They wouldn't exist if people didn't fall for them.
I cant imagine there is much variation in ammunition type yet, so what could that projectile possibly be used to defeat?? This weapon system is incredibly ridonkulous. I love America.
Well lets hope solar panels or or wind turbines or hydrogen cars don't become viable in the next few years.
I dont think the TGV has a rocket on its ass.
That is very cool! But what I find more interesting is the technology that goes into destroying the cockpit of the plane after an ejection. Post a video about that if you ever come across one.
That is what I think anytime there is a story about something like this happening in the universe. Anything we see happened in the past.
I grew up right next to Taser International. THIS IS WHAT ARIZONANS DOOOO!!
the scene described by the director looks a lot like GTA4. but no guns or a hospital:(
I have a man crush on Hans
And it took weeks for the US government to start doing anything positive after katrina. Not to mention how long the BP oil spill fiasco lasted.
did you read the article?
I remember getting that rebate. I complained about the price dropped before apple decided to do that. I feel special.
The price is too ridiculous for me. although it has a few more features than the new iPad2, i don't think they are worth the few extra hundred dollars.
when does apple get a mascot?