Miss you Kirk. Love your writing. Glad you’re staying on the podcast though...
Miss you Kirk. Love your writing. Glad you’re staying on the podcast though...
All Final Fantasy random mob spawns when you’re trying to explore areas. I remember feeling physically ill during a playthrough of FFIX whenever the FF combat music initiated. (You can turn that off in the new mobile version!)
This is exactly the reason Kotaku is my primary source for games writing. Job well done.
Do you expect Battlefront to drop any lower than $50? Hoping for a flash sale circa Black Friday.
Do you expect Battlefront to drop any lower than $50? Hoping for a flash sale circa Black Friday.
A great policy that’s nice to see. Maybe they’ll put thier money where their mouth is and and make all the DLC free too - but I doubt it.
I haven't even got the chance to play this game yet... Let alone re-create it to near perfection in Minecraft