
I’d be surprised if they brought the Dumbledore-Grindelwald relationship to the forefront in a series titled Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them when they could make that into its own movie after introducing them in Fantastic Beasts.

Dumbledore was born in 1881, so late 40's

Soooo, Ben Whishaw?

It looks like he’s just holding it in his hand. Maybe he uses it as a secondary weapon?

If he had the tusks, I’d be okay with this. He just doesn’t look bestial enough.

I was really hoping for a new tablet! If you want these phones, just buy a nexus.

Dude. Get away from windows phones. I had two of them, both OS’s, then switched to android. Life changer. As far as podcasts, you can go with Play, or Stitcher, or SoundCloud, and they work great. I really like Stitcher - it has useful options.

Yes! Good job pointing out the greatness of this.

Wait...what’s wrong with using makeup? You’re getting upset about the possibility that people would use makeup to look tan? You do realize that makeup is a huge part of Halloween, right? If you want to get upset over this costume, be upset about hijacking cultural tattoos. Or get upset about kids dressing up as Native

It'll be intersting if the do a King extended universe, starting with the It remake and Dark Tower

Who do you think would win in a Wrock Off, Harry and the Potters or The Remus Lupins?

Good on her. For all those people who say this is disrespectful, allow me to explain: protesting in this way isn’t disrespectful to veterans who have died for our rights - it is, in fact, a tribute to them. A way of saying that we as a country need to become better, so that we are a country worth dying for.

It’s one movie, guys. One. Not two, and certainly not three. Stretching it would be twice as hard as The Hobbit


Awesome poster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I don’t get it. They can't make it any better than the original. The only thing they can do is delve deeper into the backstory of It to make the crossover with Black Tower more obvious. They're definitely not going to have the...disturbing scene in the movie. Not sure how King even got that part published.

Alien visits Earth, discovers Cinnabon.

Boy meets girl, girl meets robot.

First, it’s just a “cute” way of showing it’s okay if you want to say anything, or not say anything. It’s basically, funny seeing you here :D