
If he wants to do his job, he should see the movie before putting out a review.

Can anyone think of a time a horror/comedy won best picture?

You can also still right click/two finger click the image and select “open image in new tab” option to open the full size.

it was an okay movie if you can ignore the huge misrepresentations of basic concepts of physics. Like how the centrifugal force from the spinning parts of the ship creates gravity at a ninety degree angle, and it somehow permeates the entire ship.

What’s causing the haziness on the distant mountains? I would assume it was just atmospheric, but isn’t Mars’s atmosphere super thin? Is it dust? Maybe photo editing to increase the brightness in shadowed areas? Is the dirt on the mountains actually much lighter in tone?

Eh. I think Radiohead should have taken the deal. If this is a jury case, it’s going to be very hard to convince them LDR did anything wrong. Just put the sheet music side by side and it looks totally different. The feel of the song is totally different, too. It might be sung softly, but it’s optimistic instead of

I think the real issues with Johnny Depp being cast as Grindelwald are that it was a terrible casting decision, and this storyline should not have been in Fantastic Beasts.

Honestly, I thought they did a good job with it. I mean, it’s obviously CG, but it’s better than Cavill’s regular face.

Yeah. This is a huge problem in Hollywood. Like Mjolnir getting broken in Thor: Ragnarok. Trailers these days give so much away, there’s no surprise left in the movies.

So yeah, it was an unnecessary and uncomfortable scene in a book. And yeah, when i read It years ago i also wondered how the heck that scene made it past the editor. There are a lot of those out there, and we don’t have to justify them because they are FICTIONAL.

Can we please stop criminalizing the fact that physical attraction is an important part of a relationship? Describing someone’s physical features as attractive isn’t objectification. Objectification is the mental act of lowering someone’s importance to that of an object, and not actually understanding that they have

While i don’t give a crap about this story or your point of view, I have to compliment you on a fine burn.

I don’t get it. How is this a good trailer? It starts by trying to build a vague character arc, and then dissolves into seemingly random, badly cut shots put in a generic BWAAA BWAAA framework.

I understand and actively try to confront sexism in my life. That is why I have to ask, does the dress code say, “Women may not wear sleeveless attire,” or did you add the sexism in yourself? Seriously curious. Sexism isn’t just something that happens to women. If a man would have been turned away for wearing a

Every second of Buzz is my favorite second of Trump’s presidency.

Let’s be serious: if it doesn’t sound exactly like john williams or danny elfman people are going to criticize it for being too mainstream or too strange.

Anyone who doesn’t love this movie must have a freaking brain cloud!

I hate to be that guy, but if these a-holes say Pluto isn’t a planet by the new definition, then they better start reading their new definition. This object would not be considered a planet because it isn’t round, and if it maintains this shape by being hit with debris, then it’s also not a planet because it hasn’t

I find this kind of stuff incredible. I grew up in rural Georgia, and I have never in my life heard that word spoken in real life. She had it coming.

Pretty much anything from Ender’s Game. If I have to choose, though...