

I recently decided to rewatch Stargate, then decided to watch SG-1 for the first time. Sooooooooooo dated. On season two. My favorite episode is when Carter fights Shang Tsung to free the Mongolian women from oppression and when she wins all the women are like,

Looks awesome, but what’s with the four inch heels? Seriously. I mean, looks at her feet when she climbs off the ladder - unsteady. Completely rediculous and frankly ugly combat boots.

Archer is great, but no.

proper reaction: walk over, grab the glass, and slowly pour it on his head.

Actually, “patriotism” wasn't a big part of ID4. It was about the world coming together against a common threat. Name a single scene about how great America is.

Eh, the airport fight was seriously mediocre. except for Spiderman. I mean, it didn’t even make sense. Vision basically just floated around .Great movie, but that was the low point.

You just published an article that about how you don’t know who’s being cast for roles.

Well, it’s a comedy not meant to be taken seriously, but if we’re going into the philosophy of the thing I’d say that the society portrayed is definitely not a utopia. It’s basically just as messed up as the society we already have, where reversed gendercide is the defining pillar, and bigotry and fear are the

Obi-Wan’s granddaughter? I mean, please tell me he didn’t just stay out in the desert for twenty years and not get laid. Speaking of which, at the end of episode 3, he’s like thirty, thirty five maybe, then eighteen years pass and he’s seventy?

Yes, we could let context ruin everything. I mean, we’re all apathetic negligent parasites for enjoying movies at all while people are starving and the planet is being polluted. Or we could just try to enjoy our lives while they last because we’re all going to die. Context.

Glad I read that last paragraph. Tried finding the trailer and it was just a lot of weird stuff about a fish/human hybrid?

If you haven’t read J. J. Abrams’s unproduced Superman script, please do. It’s just sad that it got ripped off to make Superman Returns, Man of Steel, Batman vs Superman, and could have been better than all of them.

Madeleine Davies, you’re throwing weak punches here. So the guy likes money..... And? Also, yes, membership should be more diverse, but saying that having more minority members would result in more minority nominations IS racist. It implies minority members would show preference for minorities because they’re