
As a mom of a child with autism I find it mind-boggling that parents of non neurotypical kids jump on the anti-vax wagon. Because the message of the whole movement is: “It’s better to risk the life of your child than to wind up with one with autism”. It’s so unbelievably disloyal to your children. My son is perfect

I want to smack someone when they bust out the word “toxins”


The finale was like riding the roller-coaster to the top of the highest peak... and then being told the ride is over.

I call bullshit. Those comments do nothing to dispel the bait-and-switch of the ending.

Not regarding this employee, her “race”, or the management of this company I have never even heard of. Every company has a dress code that employees are REQUIRED to adhere to. Showing up one day (out of how many beforehand?) with a new look and claiming its racist/whatever to say you cant do that is fine and all —- if

When he says “New York values”, I just assumed he meant “Jewey-Jewtown.”

For the record when people say “New York Values” they mean white and black and brown people living next door to each other. Gays freely walking the streets and going to bars to enjoy themselves. Muslims, jews, christians, atheists, all shopping, dining, etc together. Everyone living the lives they want without trying

He looks like the son of Jesse Camp.

Now playing

a few of my friends are in the video with him too

Dwight was and is a Savior, no? Not a Wolf.

It’s obvious from this write-up that you don’t watch the show (e.g. Dwight was not part of the Wolves). If you haven’t been paying attention, perhaps your opinions are misplaced?

Ugh. I’m still pissed Queenie died in AHS: Hotel.

I’m at peak cynical today, my first thought when I read the headline was that she’d killed her father Natural Born Killers style.

Having suffered years of sexual abuse from my own father and being too afraid to tell anyone, the fact that this young woman had the strength to tell a trusted adult speaks VOLUMES about her. I wish I could hug her and tell her how brave she is.

“Erika detailed her distrust of women (which is a very suspect point of view, but I digress.”

Hotels don’t verify. If you ask to be next to someone they accommodate if they can.

This reminds me of the 11-step process we all had for eating Swiss Cake Rolls back in elementary school. I have a serious hankering for a Swiss Cake Roll. Great.

Am I the only one that thinks those aren’t the same?

I personally love Sonja’s Grey Garden’s crazy ass. Crazy eyes Ramona can gtfo now though.