
I am 23 weeks pregnant right now. Up until this week I woudl get so mad at people for telling me I had pregnancy brain to that I shouldn’t be carrying grocery bags into the house or taking the stairs. I mean, I’m pregnant, not disabled in any way. What changed this week? I spent 5 minutes Tuesday morning trying to

Shut your mouths, all of you! Ben Affleck and Tom Brady are goddamn saints, you hear me! If Ben wants to get drunk on a fellow Bostonian’s new talk show and rant about Deflategate being total BS, I fully support him. I am confident I can say a majority of New Englanders support him as well and to not do so is totally

All I ever wanted was a child was a notepad and a sharpie because of Ghostwriter. Actually, even as an adult I still use blank notepads and Sharpie Pens at work!

I once saw her at a 7/11 on Tremont street in Boston and thought it was so amazing. I told everyone in my class about my celebrity sighting and no one, literally no one, knew who I was talking about. I guess not everyone was an angsty pre-teen who thought they were a witch and had an undying love for Marc (with a C).

I know! I am pregnant now and having a daughter due November 2nd. Maybe its the hormones but it makes me teary eyed to know that she will be with me when I cast my vote for the first female president. I am beyond excited!

ahahaha I was just going to write something like that. I don’t think we’ve ever needed a reason to be smug but stuff like this certainly fuels the smugness... and rightly so :)

There is a very distinct difference between the discrimination against the Irish and Italians immigrants 100 years ago. Irish people were still considered white, the discrimination against them was class-based. Southern Italian and Sicilians were not considered white when they came to this country. Discrimination

Ok. No one is being a sensitive sally feeling offended and neglected because I don’t see people like me on magazines. I was just saying that not all white women look the same and that it’s nice to see someone of medierranean descent represented at all in our culture. I don’t think that is an absurd thing to point out

I agree! I remember scouring magazines to find someone who looked like me! I was in high school in the early 2000s when the skinny blonde socialites were everywhere. So I was obsessed with Catherine Zeta Jones in Zoro because she had a round face, dark hair and olive skin lol Then I took a foreign film class in

I never said that Medierranean women were women of color. I don’t consider myself a woman of color. I consider myself someone of Mediterranean descent. I am pointing out that ‘white’ women are more than just tall waspy looking blondes/brunettes. Just like there are plenty of women of color who don’t look like Beyonce,

I would argue that being from Spain, Penelope Cruz represents for women of Mediterranean descent. I know people from Spain may not identify as Mediterranean, but it is a Mediterranean country. As an Italian/Sicilian-American, I do not identify with or look like 99% of any of the white women on these magazine covers,

How are people so insenstive about suicide? My mother’s sister committed suicide when she was 16 in 1985. Recently, one of my aunt’s classmates at the time, and wanna-be writer, contacted my mother because she was writing a book about my aunt. She wanted to ‘really get inside” my aunt’s head so she sent a Facebook

My mother has been wondering why Hugh Hefner isn’t in jail since before I was born. For the past 30 years she’s been calling Bill Cosby and Jimmy Carter pigs for hanging out at the Playboy mansion and doing interviews lol I used to roll my eyes at her growing up but I’m beyond thankful I grew up with a feminist

No, that is why we have things like manslaughter and criminal negligence. Just because you didn’t intend to kill someone with your actions doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be held accountable if they die because of something you did.

This is awful...I hope she sues them and wins. This is all so utterly ridiculous.

I have had to unfriend several high school classmates for posting things about Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon bombings being conspiricies. They believe the government sets up these types of events as a way to sway public opinion in favor of gun control. They also believe that the victims and their families aren’t

I think her hair looks beautiful. I’ve worked in many restaurants where I was only allowed to wear my hair in a slicked back pony tail or bun. I’m white and it was a struggle every day to straighten and defrizz my wavy black hair to get it pulled back so it was “spec.” Seriously... if I had any frizz on my hairline at

The article is very well written and insightful as well as incredibly depressing. I don’t have much to add to the discussion around what reforms must take place but I can give you an overall feeling of what people in Boston think about this case.