crown victor victoria

... yet.

Wow it's almost like Fallout 76 is a broken piece of shit and people shouldn't play it

No, it’s ugly.  

Shutting down the only dedicated politics website in your portfolio right before the 2020 election, one of the most consequential of our lifetime, kicks into high gear. Essentially shutting down the second-most highly trafficked website in your portfolio because one out of every twenty five posts rankles you. I’m not

I appreciate the commentariat keeping the email address alive. Despite the original post requesting respectful feedback, I fear I may have strayed from that directive. The terms “sackless cowards” and “kindly fuck off” may have been used.

I have no regrets. 

Hey, let’s talk about how G/O media are such gutless scum that they took down all of the posts across the kinjaverse about how awful the autoplaying videos are and how to contact the ownership about it.

I too made a lot of shitty decisions as a 19 year-old.

You don’t think the power imbalance and direct line of authority calls into question whether or not there was truly consent?

She slept with a subordinate. That’s bad news, regardless of whatever her husband did or didn’t do. 

They killed it out of spite. It wasn’t a lack of clicks or a lack of revenue. Pure spite. They bought the house to burn it down.

So, let’s collect ideas for where to go now that splinter is dead. I tend to like crooksandliars, but the commentariot sucks and the site as a whole is stuffed with more ads than the GMG sites.

Instead of answering your simple and reasonable question, I think I’ll instead lawyer up to the gills and get the State Department to step in and loudly announce that I won’t be doing any talking today. This is sure to put any concerns to rest.

Fool me 13 times shame on you ...

He thinks he’s innocent because in his mind, he never said “investigate Biden’s son or you’re not getting aid.” This is pretty on brand with Trump; he’s never explicit in what he says, but the people around him know exactly what he means. Then they get to go and do the dirty work for him. So if Guiliani or Barr end up

Yeah anyone calling them centrist doesn’t listen to them and is just pretending that it’s still 2011 and they all still work for Obama. I don’t listen religiously but I catch enough of it. While they have some tendencies to be overly defensive about Obama, they have been going hard in the paint for removing the

Don’t hold your breath. If Pelosi literally tossed Trump down a reactor shaft Star Wars style, Splinter would be right there bitching that she lifted with her back instead of her legs.

You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.

The nihilists who love Trump love the chaos he creates. The dumber/crazier he gets, the more they like him. They’d love to die in an accidental nuclear winter if it meant owning the libs. A solid 33% of America would voluntarily drink the Jonestown Flavor-aid if it meant everyone else had to drink it with them.


“Will you be watching tonight’s debate?” Absolutely not. I know who I’m voting for in the primary (Elizabeth Warren) and I know who I’m voting for in the general (anybody but Trump). Listening to a bunch of canned answers and prefab “zingers” sounds like a wholly unpleasant way to spend the evening. I’ll be watching