
Maybe it depends on what you read first? I started with the history-related ones and then tried Beyond Black… it's one of the only books I've yet to finish reading.

Maybe I should try it again. Sometimes I find that what I've just finished reading colors my perception of a new book, especially now that I read everything on my Kindle (don't know why that is, though). And I think I tried this one after a back to back read of the GoT series.

I finally read The Book Thief and unfortunately, I did not like it at all. I couldn't get invested in Liesel as an interesting character. I would've preferred to spend more pages with Max.

Those are wonderful reads once you get used to Mantel's style. I've always thought Thomas Cromwell would've been a fascinating person to hang out with for a day, assuming my safety was guaranteed.

A Place Of Greater Safety is one that I read over and over again. It takes time to get used to Mantel's writing style, especially in Wolf Hall, but she gives such a unique spin on historic figures. I had trouble getting through her non-historic work, though.

I agree 100%. The characters meant nothing to me. At the end of each page, I could've put the book down and not picked it up again, which is weird because I'd had friends rave about it.

The Night Circus is amazing. I've read it at least 15 times, including out loud to my husband. It's beautifully written and a good story—a rare combination. And every time I read it, I start craving caramel due to the author's scrumptious descriptions.

When Claire's friends ask Amelia about her writing, she says something like "I've written magazine articles and some stuff for children." Does this mean that Amelia wrote The Babbadook book and the others that she reads to her son to intentionally frighten him?

Yeah, I imagine it's easy to have a heavy hand. Combine that with sensitive skin and you've got puffed up tattoos for sure. My husband has a couple dozen tattoos and none of his swell, so I imagine skin elasticity and sensitivity play a part as well.

Thanks! Maybe some day we'll get a Drizzt movie. I've named one of my cats after him and another one nicknamed Rumblebelly.

Some of my tattoos do that. In addition to the heat, supposedly the depth of the ink can do that as well.

Laws, yes!

Thanks to your warning, I was on the lookout for this scene and was able to skip past it. It would've really ruined my day. I appreciate it!

The flashback episode was my favorite so far and that's definitely because the adult children weren't in it. They really are tedious! Glad I'm not the only one to think this.

I used to reread the DT books every year… until the fifth one. Now, I can't bear to look at them on my bookshelf. I'd like to pretend they just stopped with number four so that I could at least get some pleasure from them still, but he destroyed my love for them. DESTROYED

Sometimes I wished my mom hadn't taken me! She preferred to watch horror films, so I saw Psycho II and A Nightmare on Elm Street when I was 5 and 6 at a drive in. We watched The Excorcist at home, and I still can't think about that without shivering. Seems lame now, but I spent my childhood with fear induced insomnia.

Ha! That's awesome! I wish I'd had a Tim Riggins to read to.

Isn't it? I want to rename my dog "Tim Riggins" just so I can always say it like it's one word!

Earlier in the season, when Jason’s teacher told him that nothing much was expected of him, I felt like it was less a slight towards him and more like an attitude that is adopted by many teachers when dealing with athletes. It makes sense that his teacher would be so quick to disregard him—he probably had plenty of

So this is not episode specific—it’s more about how football affects the lives of students that aren’t even connected to the game, but I thought I’d throw it out before the season is up. As mentioned previously, I suffered through years of football as a cheerleader in a small southern MS town. I enjoyed the physical