
Ok. Fuck Daren Aronofsky for this wankfest male privilege masturbatory bullshit of a movie.

What makes this shitstain even worse is that there is a good horror film to be made from this material - but this isn’t it.

It sucks so bad I am astonished anyone greenlit it in 2017. And I’m really pissed off that Jennifer

But it looks like so much fun!


“meth-head trailer-trash who’s spent all day sweating cheap vodka into that polyester plush snuggie”.

Hmmmmmm. There’s that problem with words meaning things, again. We seem to have mixed up “posh schoolgirl” with “meth-head trailer-trash who’s spent all day sweating cheap vodka into that polyester plush snuggie”.

Old person rant: when my brothers and I were children (up the age of 12 or so), we didn’t go to any effing weddings except when I was a flower girl and I certainly didn’t stay the entire reception. In my mind, allowing children at weddings is an ultimate act of mercy and angelic kindness on the part of the bride and

The best advice my mother ever gave me was to never marry a person with a shit family. Do you know what I’d be dealing with for the rest of my life? Or until every one of them/I dies? Their shit family. And you know what else happens as time progresses? EVERYTHING GETS WORSE. The parents get dementia. The sister gets

I rather like the idea of a bouncer, with strict instructions to keep out that horrible woman and her kids.

Nah, you don’t actually have to invite her, and the proof is right there in her ‘We’ll see about that’ response. You invite people to your wedding who are there to support you, on your day, as you embark upon the wonderful experience of having your relationship legally and religiously authorized and recognized. Her

Wedding folx: no, you don’t *have* to invite her. She’s made it clear she has no desire to be respectful at YOUR wedding, and it is YOUR WEDDING, so disinvite that bish and carry on with your life.

I had a Making Faces calendar when I was a teen. It had photos from the book with abbreviated instructions on how to do the look. I basically learned makeup out of that calendar. I know it still influences the way I put it on today. Now that I’m older and can afford the whole book, I think I’ll get it. I’m sure I

Making Faces was great not just for the makeup tutorials, but for the section showing how makeup and contouring in particular could completely transform a look.

So much this. My mother heads up a government department library - the number of times she is dismissed as a “librarian” while her male colleagues (who report to her) are referred to as “director” still astounds me. She though is entirely used to it - one colleague didn’t correct the politician who made the mistake,

I came here to see if anything had been posted about the missle North Korea just launched over Japan. I was greeted with an image of the president holding a banana. That guy is in charge of our defenses. That guy is in charge of the magical suitcase and giant red button.

Because women are not seen as professionals.

No black photographers either. In fact, ‘Middle East and Africa’ amount to four photographers: none black.

Oh for fuckSAKE, brosephines. Look, cop to it, if you actually invited any female photographers at all, you invited ONE, and she couldn’t attend, and you had no Backup Token.

This seems fairly typical of the photo world I once belonged to. “We love women - as long as they are naked, partially dressed, young, thin, and in front of my camera.” I follow some of the larger “photography communities” on twitter and tire of the “What do you think of this shot?” posts that inevitably end up being