there you go! It should just work like a .jpg or .gif.
there you go! It should just work like a .jpg or .gif.
You know you’ve fucked up big time when the happiest man on earth is pissed off with you and your shit-talking.
Gotta post what Lin-Manuel tweeted after Trump shifted blame onto Cruz for “poor leadership”:
A ______ has more political engagement, empathy and logical thinking skills than our current president.
’m sorry I wasn’t aware we always had to agree with our husbands.
A Kardashian has more political engagement, empathy and logical thinking skills than our current president. That’s where we are at right now.
Let’s not forget the thousands of babies who were born to unwed mothers and have been found in unmarked graves, in Catholic countries like Ireland. And the emotional, physical and sexual abuse of indigenous children at the hands of Catholic nuns and at the hands of priests while nuns knew of the abuse and remained…
In just three tweets on Saturday morning, Donald Trump managed to make the Puerto Rico disaster about himself, to…
NBA Commissioner Adam Silver sent a memo to teams on Friday saying that he expected players and coaches to stand for…
I mean, I wouldn’t jump straight to divorce meaning someone “failed” at marriage, because that’s some judgmental bs, but you are absolutely right on everything else. She give TERRIBLE relationship advice.
Adjunct professors are having a very hard time paying their bills on their meager salaries. Profs are ending up…
Same here, reading them to rubberneck at the awful advice I know will be dispensed. Then of course I wonder why anyone looks to Jane for advice, since it is routinely bad or destructive advice. Sometimes immoral too, like the time Jane advised a woman to cheat on her boyfriend, rather than discuss the sex life problem…
Well then she has that same day every single time she puts out a column. They’re all train wrecks.
I got to that sentence and stopped cold. What the hell, Jane? Why would you ever put that in there? Someone is having some relatively minor new in-law drama, and you suggest she married the wrong person? That’s.....I can’t call that a jump, it’s so far beyond., that has no place in the answer to the readers question. That and the last answer makes me think Jane was not having the best day when this article was written.
Regarding the 3rd letter: Jane:Don’t be so effing shallow. She doesn’t need to “ghost those fools”. She simply needs to speak up about her feelings. Either they will respect her feelings and their relationship grows stronger or their relationship sours. You don’t just “ghost” someone before even trying to fix the…
Also, maybe you married the wrong person? When that happens we often look for signs of trouble anywhere we can find it. Think about it.
Agreed- MIL knows she behaved badly and hurt the writer, so now she’s trying to suck up. Either the husband needs to tell his mom what’s up or writer needs to be direct. Make some “I feel...” statements and go from there. Like “I feel hurt that you were so unhappy with the ceremony that you disparaged it to other…
The fact that your mother-in-law is reaching out to you is a good sign! FFS, stop scouring your wedding photos for evidence of her hatred toward you and your family and just, like, go to Olive Garden with her or something.