
What has she been bad in exactly? Her filmography isn’t exactly lengthy, but her breakthrough performances in Moonlight and Hidden Figures were pretty good.

Same. Articles load with half a screen of white. The last paragraph has a blue line through the top line. It’s bizarre, in a way that the AVC hasn’t done before (remember the pre-Kinja days lol). As an old time AVC-er, I honestly can’t recall why they did away with their own in-house commenting system. It worked

Carey Mulligan is FANTASTIC in this movie. I’d been dying to see it since the trailer launched - and I’m so glad I did. I’ve not been able to get this movie out of my head. It deserves ALL the accolades.

I wonder if Eve 6 has any stories about the New Radicals guy.

okay when you said “exact same composition” I somehow didn’t think it really would be the exact same composition. this is extremely funny to me so thank you! 

Now playing

For the love of god will someone else please bring up that Dorothea shares the exact same composition as the National’s cover of Give it to Teddy from Bob’s Burgers?

I get that they were made by the same people, but COME ON.

It may have been my favorite single episode of the whole series.

The greatness of Lolita is not in the plot but the writing, the ability of the words to seduce even when the story was off-putting. Translated into film, you lose the language so you’ve got to change the story, too.

Pumped that Dispatches from Elsewhere is on this list. Bummed that Dark is not. That show deserves so much more hype.

C’mon Randall...restaurants are suffering right now; everything in my area is take-out only! We need weekly reviews now more than ever. (Plus, I have to believe page impressions are on the incline with so many of us socially isolating!)

The old comments belong to Disqus. They’re separate from our content, housed entirely on their servers. The basic feature of “comments exist” is here; the not so basic feature of “old comments imported from a third-party client and then migrated over into an entirely different platform” doesn’t yet, because they