Well, I guess this is one case of nepotism that actually resulted in someone that had a real production contribution. I can’t say that this article actually supports that idea, but my condolences, nevertheless.
Well, I guess this is one case of nepotism that actually resulted in someone that had a real production contribution. I can’t say that this article actually supports that idea, but my condolences, nevertheless.
I’ve never heard of this show. But now I’m kind of interested. But probably won’t watch it because it’s DOA. Maybe rather than blaming Hulu for not promoting it, maybe media review sites like avclub should have promoted it more strongly if it was so good. But if Hulu isn’t paying avclub, why should they bother?
No, actually salt-cheese is a thing. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/food-science/salted-cheese#:~:text=Brine%2Dsalted%20cheeses%20are%20formed,must%20be%20carried%20out%20frequently.
Even when temperature controls are applied, some things sous vide can turn out pretty “ick”.
I painted a whole wall in my kitchen with magnetic whiteboard paint. We write and stick stuff to it all the time. I have a Jira-like kitchen board of things the family needs to get done. I am your worst nightmare.
Samsung fridges are garbage, except for the old-school freezer-on-top and fridge-on-the-bottom. They are rock-solid from my experience over the last 10 years. Then again, it seems like any manufacturer can make rock-solid fridges in that style. More fancy=more problems.
That man is a national treasure.
Regardless of the restaurant, here is what I want to see from chain ordering:
Don’t like Fallon and don’t watch him. But, he is the frontman for the show, not the owner. He doesn’t likely have much authority in this decision, because he doesn’t have a ton of financial leverage nor frontman-leverage (since the show is already off the air). He could pay the staff out of his own pocket, but I…
I don’t know about Holden. Vincent D’nofrio has been mentioned and he might work, but I don’t think he has the physical stature.
When you leave the Windy City, you leave your brains behind I guess.
The core issue with adapting Blood Meridian is not the violence (as many will claim), but the prose. The material itself is like a more violent and apocalyptic Lonesome Dove (men on an ambiguous mission, moving across the American West); but the language of the material is the best and most difficult part.
I think I’ll probably see Dune (2). That’s all.
There is still one in Orland Park.
Agree with In N Out being highly overrated and Culver’s is great. Used to love Fatburger when I worked out West. I think The Takeout needs to review Meatheads...a small Midwest regional chain that tops all of them IMHO.
They aren’t interested in keeping that talent. They are only interested in keeping talent that can make huge blockbusters or low-cost reality garbage. Everything else to them is without value.
I assume he is just a populist, supporting big, grand movies with big ambitions. The merit of those movies is subjectively questionable, but the aspirations of those movies are not.
Sounded like Neutral Milk Hotel to me. Combining New Orleans funeral with Irish drums and some deep horns.
Probably because the guy that created and wrote the show also wrote Rogue One and all of the Bourne movies. Tony Gilroy is one of the top political-thriller/spycraft writers of all time.
I’m mostly in agreement with everything you said. In addition to “best Star Wars” ever, how would you compare it similar political-military scifi shows? BSG, Expanse, ST:DS9