Cousin Bleh

This entire review is basically worshiping in the cult of personality that all American pop culture has become. It’s just kinda silly. The album might be a great piece of product, or just great period, minus the shade. I got no beef with well-made pop music; Carly Rae Jepsen stays in my car. But is this a deeply

I know someone with fucks to spare...

It seems like Jupiter leaving the band has done wonders for their sound.

Jupiter’s work w/ Alice, not so much...

Has anyone mentioned HEALTH - Vol 4:: Slaves of Fear? Cause that’s all you need to know.

Really? Kind of obvious, no? It’s very easy to be optimistic when you can pay to end your own suffering at every step.


Seconding the recommendation for Boy Harsher.  I can thank a random YouTube playlist for turning me on to their last album, Yr Body is Nothing, which is about as sultry as coldwave gets.

Reason is a website where contrarian Libertarian assholes excuse racism and concern troll about “leftists”. Just because those bigoted pricks match your own bigotry doesn’t make them credible.

Not to be that guy, but why would we assume it’s the same droid that blew up? Aren’t there multiple versions of the different models rolling around? I feel like the droids were mass produced and just had different model numbers based on their features. Either way, it’s a cool easter egg, but not sure why the jump is

Are you trying to make this a race thing? Jesus dude. The Dark Knight was groundbreaking. Black Panther was good, it wasn’t great. Beale Street was GREAT and got snubbed.

I’m on the subway for 10 hours a week and get a lot of reading done. I love reading novels. To me, it’s more about quality than quantity. Some books are quick-reading but many aren’t. I just read Michael Connelly’s latest which I thoroughly enjoyed (in my next life I’d like to be more like Hieronymous Bosch) and that

I have a full time job and baby, you know how I read 3-4 books each month? Audiobooks. You can consume more books that way: in the shower, at the gym, while driving to work, gardening, folding laundry. The list goes on. I still read traditional ink and paper books when I can, but whenever I am doing a mindless task,

I do have a job (and am in fact typing this at work), and I can absorb most of the stories just fine at a book a week pace. I typically read a couple of chapters before going to sleep in the evening, and a chapter in the morning as my first coffee is brewing. I probably don’t get enough sleep, so that’s the time

I downloaded the ebook when it was 99 cents, and I couldn’t believe how terrible it was, and right out of the gate. I think I read fifteen pages, and by that point I was getting *mad* about how bad it was, so I deleted it. I mean, seriously people. Not everyone is a writer! We should tell bad writers no, you may not

I’m reading The Winter of the Witch by Katherine Arden. It’s the third book in a trilogy that began with The Bear and the Nightingale. The books are about a girl named Vasya, the daughter of a minor lord in medieval Russia. Vasya has a gift and is able to see magical creatures and demons that most people are blind

Even though the photos come off as if they’re taken by Bobby Newport right before he is sentenced to Oz, there’s a certain dorky earnestness about them that I always liked. They made me relate to Ryan more than anything Romney’s campaign or the decade of gushing media praise ever did. Unfortunately, Ryan is a

And as long as we’re insisting on the cosmic turtle, let’s insist upon the kids having group sex to somehow combat It, which is totally in the book...

...and is utterly and completely gross.

The Turtle is possibly the easiest part to take out and really doesn’t add anything to the contained story.

I’m the drummer for Dynamite Thunderpunch and no joke this is a huge honor I always dreamed would happen. I’m also so curious as to how you even found out about us in a year we haven’t even done anything. If anyone cares we made a post-apocalyptic spaghetti western concept album that’s on spotify

I really think so.