Cousin Bleh

Nah, that’s gotta be...

Oh, wow, forgot to do R.E.M. I would probably choose...

Currently in my iPhone: Little Dark Age, When You Die, Me and Michael

Here’s your plot, Steves...

Wonder if these books are worth anything. Pretty sure I have the complete run.


When I lived in Georgia, the grocery stores used to shut off all the lights in the beer coolers on Sunday to remind us heathens we couldn’t buy booze on the Lord’s day.

Who the hell gives Facebook their phone number?

“The young man involved is named HARRY BURNS. He’s 26 years old, just graduated from law school. Wearing jeans and a sweatshirt.”

Georgia in general has some pretty fucked up blue laws concerning alcohol sales on Sunday. Don’t know if it’s still required, but when I worked at an Atlanta bar years ago, at least 50 percent of sales on Sunday had to be food in order to serve alcohol. So we kept a stock of Hot Pockets behind the bar and fudged the

The “Friends” reboot is about all their kids (even Ben) being forced to hang out together, and they can’t fucking stand each other.

The 285 perimeter circling Atlanta may as well be a portal to another dimension.

One of my client responsibilities is monitoring the EPA, so I know far too much about this fool.

I’m still not sure how to interpret her “They’re just like us” line

Counterpoint: Taking away magic and the far too long quest to find keys made it boring.

This looks like the type of movie I’d watch when I have a gawdawful hangover and can cry until my tear ducts begin leaking nothing but air.

Auto-tune was originally invented by an engineer to study seismic data.

1989 was such a seminal year in hip-hop (it was basically the year rap really started to cross over with “Bust a Move” and “Funky Cold Medina”), I was trying to think of overlooked songs that could have been included. But everything that came to mind (BDP, EPMD, De la Soul, Paul’s Boutique) actually charted in the

I assumed everyone on Reddit is well above draft age and unable to run 200 meters without getting winded.

Disintegration was #35 on the Billboard 200 of 1989.