Cousin Bleh

If you look at the Billboard 200 Albums for 1989, it’s not quite as embarrassing. Green, Rattle & Hum, and Disintegration all charted. Appetite for Destruction was a top 10 album that year. Long forgotten albums by Edie Brickell and Tracy Chapman made the list.

Cosmic Thing definitely charted. “Love Shack” was pretty inescapable.

Agreed about 1989. There was good music to be heard, just not on the Billboard charts or on pop radio.

Al Jourgensen owned 1989. The Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Taste may have actually charted, so that probably gets disqualified here. His collaboration with Cabaret Voltaire produced “No Name No Slogan” on the Wax Trax label. But more importantly, he produced Skinny Puppy’s Rabies album in ‘89 with two of their best

I can’t wait for the episode where Democrats retake Congress, Mueller indicts every member of the Trump family, the House impeaches Trump, and Roseanne buries her head in the oven.

No, that literally is what the Roseanne revival is. The idea to revive the show came out of an ABC strategy meeting the morning after the 2016 election to find shows that appeal to Trump’s base.

Phyllis is hanging out with high school kids practicing interpretive dance moves.

I see that a lot in music too (for example, Coldplay). I think the internet has escalated the world’s post-sincerity.

In the late 90s/early 2000s, I used to go to the movies every Friday night to see new releases. So I saw it on opening night, which tends to bring out broader audiences with expectations shaped by marketing than by word of mouth. The other movie I remember people booing was Shyamalan’s The Village.

A.I. is one of the most maligned and misunderstood movies Spielberg has ever made. I remember people booing at the screening I attended.

An actual Cosby sweater? Or urbandictionary “Cosby sweater”?

They not only trust Facebook, which is at least beholden to its investors, they trust sketchy apps made by companies they know nothing about. In the Cambridge Analytica case, people were literally answering personality questions in apps with stupid names like “thisisyourdigitallife” while granting the company access

I get why he wouldn’t want to be a minority. The way people like him think minorities ought to be treated is pretty appalling.

The podcast co-host top would like great with apartment pants.

That’s Justice Smith, who was the lead in “The Get Down.” I don’t think he’s playing a kid in this, looks like he’s a member of Bryce Dallas Howard’s dino org.

To expound upon that, Gaiman has a kind of gentleman’s agreement with DC Comics that they won’t continue the story of Morpheus since he completed his story arc when Daniel became Dream of the Endless. He’s supported them publishing stories about minor characters from the universe he created. DC Comics keeps up their

Yeh, but this article makes clear that Gaiman has nothing to do with these series other than giving his blessing, so your comment is sorta a strange criticism.

New Chvrches is out May 25.

I like Uncle Al, but he probably should have stuck to retirement. That Antifa song is not good.

You just know they’re going to remake the “9 to 5" theme song with a Nikki Minaj verse.