
duh... all the better to eat you with... :)

Film?... you are kidding right... or maybe trolling?

That's nothing you should see the way they make pineapple upside cakes. :)

hey... do you know how flexible you had to be to make out in that piece of british trash....ahhh the good memories... of course if someone spit two blocks away it wouldn't start and I had to cancel the date....ahhh the sad memories.

"but as everyone knows, quality reigns supreme over quantity" Maybe they sell a different BB in England - with a different os? Myself and several friends no longer use a BB because, quite frankly, it is not a quality product anymore.

It's "Magical". It should have an "i" in front of it's name...just saying.

I used it for one year. I worked well for my purposes. Then I switched to something free but not as useful. At $20 I would certainly go back.

The zippy sound is not the pick sliding.. the sound comes from the other hand as it moves along the frets .... it is the sound of a human hand making music. I like that and I am not a purist. Deal with it. I will deal with your take on music.

What?... oh... I see what you did there...trolling...very good. Of course if I am wrong, you should really turn in your star for that really dumb comment.

"the 21,471,478th richest man in Canada (me)" I think not!!!! Just yesterday I found a dime on the sidewalk.... so you now down to 21,471,479th... please get your facts correct if you are going to post on this "news" site. :) ps I am not sure about Air Canada.

Is it just me or does "Sir Richard Branson" come across as sleazy?

really.. a bunch of pictures .. funny those pics played as a video on my computer. do some research into what it took to make that VIDEO in 1984.

First off.... it's not a commercial. Second... for 1984 the video and sound production is pretty good. Third... I sure wish I had bought Apple stock back then.... because they are still leading the way on many fronts. oh and fourth.... fix your site..... the new format is very annoying and times even sucks. Maybe the

exactly ... it will never take off. I can't see cars taking off neither. Horses are too ubiquitous.

I got your point... I hope they got it.

@kasika: huh? oh my .. so the ipad my buddy bought will only last a year? oh my. shame on you apple.

@2 replies: exactly.. how hard would it be to mass produce something like that at an affordable price...???

@ka1axy: are you bragging that your trash is over 8" :)