
I wanted to make it through, I really did. I just... I’m weak and I love language and enunciation and grammar too much. Hold me Pie-Pie, I couldn’t do it!!!!

Your comment reminds me of something I do at any bar association events. Any time I get a compliment, I say “no, I’m not (insert good adjective here), but (insert either name of partner or the firm of the person I am talking to) is definitely known for (being that aforementioned good adjective). Then I take a long

Let’s be real, I doubt she reads the transcript, ‘cos readin’s for pansy-ass libruls! But otherwise I totally agree.

I’m a litigator. Sometimes I’ll do oral argument before the Court and think, “shit, that felt like rambling. I bet I sounded so dumb. I must do better next time.” And then I get the transcript back and I’ve spoken eloquently throughout it. Comparatively, I imagine Palin is like “nailed it” after a speech and then

the comedy Gods wouldn’t allow it

Shibari interesting to watch this case as it works its way through the rather knotty legal system.

that’s some old school dick pic-age.

She got a dick pic when it was actually took some effort. I’m grossed out but also I marvel at the work involved. Wow.

its the only time when these kind of man can get an erection

Analog dick pics! OMG

A post has been making the Facebook rounds about a woman who sends pictures of her shits to guys who send her dick pics.

You make it sound like she deserves what happens to her because she’s not smart, humble, and altruistic enough.

I disagree. She wasn’t a willing victim. She was a 12 year old girl who had a predator for a step father. He groomed her. She may have been testing boundaries sexually, but it was always with kids her own age.

“She’s bratty. She’s selfish. She’s a little dumb, but thinks she’s more clever than everyone else”

I haven’t read the book in many years, but I could never think of her as willing. She’s trapped. Her mother is dead. She escapes with the first alternative she can find.

Lolita was one of the greatest triumphs of the English* language. Soaring prose... Glorious imagery... and weirdly - an incredibly dark and increasingly claustrophobic story told from the point of view of a protagonist that was both an unapologetic villain and an asshole to boot... but somehow Nabokov managed to make

I love Lolita too. It’s one of the only pieces of culture that show me a male creator that really understands what it is that (certain) men do to women and girls. Humbert is his narrator, but that doesn’t mean Nabokov doesn’t find him violently repellent.

I agree with you. It is a wonderfully written book. But people don’t seem to understand that he ruins the child’s life. Quite literally. There is nothing sweet or tantalizing about it.

This prints are ugly, right? I’m not alone in this?

Your argument is extremely contrived. It’s embarrassing for Kanye because it means he’s not in the position of “Power” that he claims he was in, not only that but he’s saying he “owns” Wiz Khalifa’s kid. Give me a break. Fingers in the butt from Amber to Kanye mean that she was in control. Nothing more nothing less...