
This is extremely well put together.

For those of you with home machines, which machine do you have ???

I remember her too! Her hair on the Seventeen cover at the top of the blog is simply amazing!

I am sickened too. It’s really not even about them having the same numbers but about each woman not realizing that there are other victims of his out there.

I had to scroll so far down for this that it makes me sad. It makes me sad like fall makes me sad.

I feel the same way about this. For me, the issue is about the sperm bank’s mistake, and the child’s race is just the reason the issue was brought to everyone’s attention. If a company is in the business of creating human beings it is not acceptable for the company to fuck up while doing so. What kind of quality

OMG, this may be my only chance to tell this story. In junior high I was a nobody, but I knew a few somebodies. One day while talking to a beautiful somebody named Bonnie, I saw a little black thing hanging on to and crawling through her hair. I kept my cool while I freaked out realizing it was lice. I told my best

This is the first time I feel like I understand the sentiment behind the words “cultural appropriation.”

This reminds me of the cop who called 911 after he and his wife ate pot brownies. He told the 911 operator he thought he was dead. It seemed hilarious to me at the time, but maybe he was legitimately in a bad place and not just a lightweight!

Makes me feel better that I’m not the only one :-)

Thank you for using the word “conceitedness.” You never hear or see “conceited” anymore. I’d like to bring it back.

It really is about what you put into it. I found that out as I got more fit and then worked harder in the water. Also, only water aerobics and yoga have given my whole body (and I mean top of my head to my toes) a better workout.

Yes, I wish more people were into water aerobics to help change it’s image. It is so fun.

I too love water aerobics! Not to be overly dramatic, but this is one of my favorite life discoveries of the past few years. Getting in the water to work out is very cool doesn’t feel like a workout to me. And a huge perks is that because I don’t sweat as much as with another type of workout, my hair stays fresh.


Can I just tell you how much I enjoyed reading this? The screenshots, the descriptions, the poll! I would not have sex with Mr. Dubrow, but I would read this again and again.

It’s just under 3 1/2 inches. It goes under everything in my apartment easily. I have hardwood floors and haven’t had any problems with it moving around on hardwood and rugs. I ended up buying the 880 because it’s supposed to be the quietest Roomba model and I’ve been impressed with how low the sound is. It’s still a

I just bought the Roomba 880 about a month ago. I love it, would highly recommend it and will answer any and all questions about it for you (although sadly, I have no cat/Roomba data to offer). This is how passionately I feel about my 880, jammers2112. Let’s just say I’m in love.

Thank you. I thought so.

Just here to say that I did not enjoy that clip at all. Is there something wrong with me?