This will be a scandal in my circle.
This will be a scandal in my circle.
Oh boy, I had no idea about this series and now I can’t wait.
I cancelled my cable and now buy the series on Amazon because they are pretty inexpensive compared to other shows. This is the reasoning I give myself for now owning the most recent season of every one of the Real Housewives franchises. I’m confessing this because while I love both BH and NY, I have to say that…
I took many, many art (drawing and painting) classes, and if I was taking this class I would consider the assignment ridiculous and the professor a weirdo. I’m just saying that’s what I would be thinking. I was once in an advanced drawing class where we were encouraged to draw life sized, nude self-portraits. Some…
The website you linked to is fascinating. Logged in at work just to saw that. If anyone has any interest in the topic, it is a must visit website.
My exact thoughts when I read that sentence.
On a side note, what is up with that? I've been a long-time online watcher and cancelled my cable in October for reasons too long to go into here. Only then did I find out about this new rule requiring you to enter your cable provider. I don't know when they started requesting that, but for fuck's sake, yes, that is…
On a side note, what is up with that? I've been a long-time online watcher and cancelled my cable in October for reasons too long to go into here. Only then did I find out about this new rule requiring you to enter your cable provider. I don't know when they started requesting that, but for fuck's sake, yes, that is…
On a side note, what is up with that? I've been a long-time online watcher and cancelled my cable in October for reasons too long to go into here. Only then did I find out about this new rule requiring you to enter your cable provider. I don't know when they started requesting that, but for fuck's sake, yes, that is…
On a side note, what is up with that? I've been a long-time online watcher and cancelled my cable in October for reasons too long to go into here. Only then did I find out about this new rule requiring you to enter your cable provider. I don't know when they started requesting that, but for fuck's sake, yes, that is…
"I just want a whole show about LuAnn defending her right to hook up."
I have to jump in here, because as a childless woman, I too felt a tiny heart pang when she said it. I got past it after hearing her points as she continued. But that doesn't mean that for me it wasn't a moment of feeling outside the cause. If Arquette was making a point about everyone being on earth because of a…
I cannot hear Winter without crying my eyes out. It happens every single time.
You are correct . At least according to the way Douglas Copeland defined Generation X in his novel of the same name.
I LMAO. I love that this kid knew how to properly use the phrase "fuck you!" Her dad asked her to choose between her mom and Santa. She clearly doesn't know what to say and recognizes he's put her in a no win! So she starts in with the "fuck you"s!
This is how I feel about it too, CBG. In certain families strange behavior can become normalized. And even if they do recognize off behavior, there can be a feeling of not wanting to let anyone know the extent of what goes on behind closed doors. One of the reasons this always concerns me is because relatively…
OMG. I totally remember that song and KROQ in the day. My boyfriend at the time loved that song (and anything by the Clash). I had no idea those guys looked like. Thank you for posting that!!!
Hey, I saw that movie. And I remember the Kemp brothers. That's all I popped in to say.