
If only Mayor Nick Wasicsko were alive to see this news…

One of my favorite jokes in this episode is one that always gets cut in syndication, where Dr. Hibbert initiates the beginning of the surgery to separate the Siamese twins, and it cuts to him using a paper cutter. In the syndication version, the scene cuts from here, indicating that he did indeed use the paper cutter

That's pretty much how I pictured a grown man named Bug Hall looking.

Completely devastating episode. And I mean that in the best possibly way.

I can't believe how upsetting this episode was to me. I'm usually a pretty detached person (not something I'm proud of, just the way I am), but I found that entire ending to be devastating. Thank god this got renewed, or else I'd probably go hang myself in a closet right now.

This is probably the worst comment section I have ever read in my life. Good Lord. Please, everyone, grow up. As Todd has pointed out, the title is not REALLY a spoiler. And if it is? SO WHAT??? It's a TV show. This isn't life or death, people. It's a TV show. About fictional people, who are not real. If Freddie is or