Cutest of Borg

I’m still reeling at the genius of the name “Royalty Flow.”

I had to check that Zach is indeed the author of the review since that response was comical in its overreaction.

I think we found the demographic who didn’t mind the Kinja transfer.

January Jones must have been #11.

The most self-important person in human history.

I’m very uncomfortable with a DCMA takedown being used as a weapon for a completely unrelated issue. It sounds like a knee-jerk reaction that doesn’t do anything positive. If it works, like you said, it’s a horrible precedent. If it fails, Kjellberg wins a battle that he didn’t even plan on having.

I wonder if Limbaugh’s misinforming the public over mass media about the threat of an incoming hurricane actually counts as illegal dangerous speech, the reverse of shouting fire in a crowded theater... shouting not a fire in a burning theater.