
I reread what you wrote THREE times before I could understand why you were correcting it, if that makes you feel any better.

For the Catholic Church, this infringes upon “the child’s right to be born of a father and mother known to him and bound to each other by marriage,” and its parents’ right to “become a father and a mother only through each other.”

came to the comments looking for this!

This. I want them to keep him alive and safe so that he gets everything coming to him and has to be held responsible for his actions. I want him to know that everyone knows what he’s done.

I LOVE NIECY NASH SO MUCH. Reno 911 was the best and she was a revelation as Didi. Getting On was spectacular. The whole cast was a dream. I even miss Clean House in the Niecy era. I’m so happy to watch her continued success.

*toO tired and lazy!

oh my gosh— somehow i never realized that was her! i mean, i’m probably way too old for whatever her demographic is but i watched that show and never realized bella thorne was tancy when bella thorne came on my radar (which has really been things i’ve seen on jezebel about bella thorne and then i think i saw her in a

i also thought that was what hathaway was doing, and that lauren was just pointing it out, but had been doing the whole post in a sort of, for lack of a better term, cutesy way that was maybe not quite working but i didn’t get that lauren was snarking on anne hathaway trying to be sensitive to how hard it can be to


I read/heard this in John McLaughlin’s voice.

Sleepless in Seattle: child neglect/endangerment

if memory serves, it was highly enjoyable.

I think you have the Gorgas on the wrong list...haven’t there been a lot of rumors about their finances too?

ick. my great-grandmother used to top her salads with miracle whip AND French or Catalina dressing. GROSS. so, so gross.

This is a beautiful comment! I hope you tell her how much that small thing means to you.

yes! this totally freaked me out. this and the episode of square one (i think it was that, if not it was ghost writer) when the kid gets kidnapped and sings “please do what these people say” into the phone to the tune of the push button tones on the phone in order to let them know the phone number he’s calling them

oh! good call!

Why is this header gif making me laugh so much? I know it shouldn’t, but I cannot stop. Also I don’t remember his scene at all and I thought I was an avid Punky Brewster watcher. 


Wait— they’re bigots? I didn’t know! Is it related to them being so Jesus-y?