chances are if you like his christmas stuff you’d probably like some of his other stuff too.
chances are if you like his christmas stuff you’d probably like some of his other stuff too.
fucking yikes.
oh my god, I was also in the room with my dad for the funky spunk episode. so, so awkward.
she’s also an executive producer (i think? maybe just producer? she was in the opening credits as a producer of some sort) of this movie so i would think she’d be able to have a little more control over that stuff. or maybe she did and this was the result? sigh.
the problem with this one is it’s such a close copy of dirty rotten scoundrels but unlike that movie, it really wasn’t very funny.
Yes, definitely just watch Dirty Rotten Scoundrels again. I saw The Hustle last night, hoping it would be a fun reimagining of one of my favorites and was thoroughly disappointed. Especially since it is almost a frame for frame remake of DRS. They redo so many of the same scenes (in the very same locations they were…
mayonnaise is pretty gross. and it’s much easier to add to a thing than to get off/out of a thing if you, like me, are nauseated by the mere smell of it. i’m always here to bad mouth mayonnaise! but for everyone who enjoys it, mazel.
Congrats and love to you for your bravery and self-care, Danielle!
yikes. going to have trouble falling asleep tonight.
signature “comedy”
Sounds of Blackness! Optimistic is like, the ultimate psych you up song.
“you can’t age out of joy”
Yep, this. This reminds me of a line from Hannah and Her Sisters (sorry to quote a Woody Allen movie; this quote applies and is great) where Lee’s boyfriend says something like “if Jesus came back and saw everything that’s being done in his name, he’d never stop throwing up”.
y’all, I cried on the subway reading these yesterday. thank you!!
this is really grade a nightmare fuel.
I thought this photo was a still from some movie in production in which Laura Linney plays a Trump supporter. My apologies to Laura Linney, who I think is stellar.
i used to watch jon and kate plus 8 back in the day and as it progressed...yikes. kate really did not seem pleasant. and i fully understand the dynamics that can be involved with a woman being the partner who does most of the parenting/housework/household management and how that is magnified with 8 kids and how it…
Jesus Christ. Cara and Mady are going to college already?! Some things really drive home how much time has passed more than others do and sometimes its the weirdest things that do so. I have not accomplished as much in the last ten years as I probably should have...oof.
But Caitlyn is Dad. All of her kids call her dad, she made it very clear that she would always be dad, no matter what else changed. (Seems like she perhaps stopped being the dad some of them remember once she moved into living her best life as Caitlyn so maybe she’s not “still dad” in the way that some of them were…