Just wait. Stephen Miller is going to cite this case as incontrovertible evidence that the pro-choice movement is actually a front for human traffickers and that motherhood is the key to avoiding being kidnapped.
Just wait. Stephen Miller is going to cite this case as incontrovertible evidence that the pro-choice movement is actually a front for human traffickers and that motherhood is the key to avoiding being kidnapped.
+1 Golden Calf or Bust
You’re telling me fans would rather you lose and put a worse player out there...
I don’t know how all the boomers got this fucked up, but we really need to figure out why.
I’m crying because this is so unfair.
So to summarize, ICE is actually ruining the promising futures of young men who came to this country as children, worked hard, and thrived. Meanwhile, the DOJ is busy investigating the tragic plight of the white kids ‘discriminated’ against in college admissions. And over at the Dept of Ed, DeVos is clutching her…
Something that comes to my mind as I read stories like this is how much my brother loves this country, despite how much it hates him and wants him gone. As a vet I wonder how he’s still able to maintain the level of patriotism he has towards a nation that won’t let him serve. Won’t let him put his life on the line to…
Starred mostly for the Tom Hardy gif because unf.
are you extremely dumb?
As a Florida native I want nothing more than for this entire show to be shut down. That video of the shark was completely disturbing and it hurt to see these sociopaths harassing beautiful wildlife. Say what you want about Florida but one of our best traits is the gorgeous environment, and it depends on the…
Just think, if Antonio Gates misses that one scrimmage, he might get injured a week earlier than usual and then the chargers will go 4-12 instead of 5-11 like they always do.
How often does a Charger get into the HoF? The whole damn team should be able to go. One less day of practice isn’t going to ruin the season. Unreal.
Blah blah blah. Whatever.
Coming from a Steelers fan who hates your team and fans, it’s not a Ravens fan problem. The problem is the average person and by proxy average football fan of any team is a mouthbreathing idiot who jumps and claps his hands for shit like YAAAYYY MILITARY AND FLAGS GOOD, BLACK MAN STEPPING OUT OF LINE BAAADDDD STICK TO…
I’m a Ravens fan and fuck what the purple-camo clan think. Sign him, please.
If the Feds don’t find something, be certain the estranged Mrs. The Mooch’s divorce attorney’s forensic accountants will!
No. Pandora’s box is open (both the treasury dept scrutiny and the divorce attorneys unleashed to dig up dirt).
Well, Trump is certainly creating lots of high paying jobs - in the niche sector of governmental corruption defense attorneys.
The sale of his hedge fund to Chinese company HNA has to be approved by the Treasury Dept. , and by all accounts (and my specific examples of how fragile it is in every scenario). He is wide open to exposure of violations of the FCPA.