That’s a half joke too far then because this is definitely the end of days
That’s a half joke too far then because this is definitely the end of days
Me too brother! Me too
Seriously! They’ll complain in public about her but after they head home to their shack, they troll a couple of decent people online, check and make sure their SS check cleared the bank then watch her videos over and over online. Bleh!
I’m sure someone has brought this up already, but it’s worth repeating...
Awwww, this is so great!! I thought you were going one way but man you hit this one out of the park! Well done!
Please know if I had more than one star to give, I would. This is simple yet startling in its truth
Right? That was my exact thought the 1st time I heard it! What’s her name has the whole blond, blue eyes, All-American look, but Joan Jett is bad ass and hot in her own right, so like WTF?
It is... MUCH less appealing and I’m a woman!
Ouch! #COTD
As a former resident of Pittsburgh, I can not only confirm that people wear Steelers jerseys to funerals, but also women dress them up to go out at night with black pumps and a tight skirt or jeans. Steelers jerseys are the little black dress for Yinzers... it’s difficult to explain to anyone that isn’t from there.
This is very very good!
If I’m a store owner and so heartless that I refuse to give away food/supplies to victims of a natural disaster that are in need, then I get robbed of said goods... I say life/karma/whatever came and balanced things out.
“I wish I was a Browns fan.”
I know I’m going to hell for laughing at this, but it’s so good I don’t care.
This is very good +1
I was laughing at the absurdity of your comment until I remembered absurdity is the law of the land now
I’m crying and impressed at the same time.
I am crying after reading your post. My heart aches for your brother, you and your family. I have been so angry for the 1st 5-6 months after the election but now I feel like I’m spiraling into depression over what our country has become in such a short amount of time. Your brother wants to serve and fight for this…