
They have some idea of right and wrong, though right? Or at least 'allowed and not allowed.' I never yelled at my dog, but I always knew when she'd pissed somewhere in the house, because as soon as I walked into the room, her tail would go between her legs and she wouldn't look at me. She definitely wasn't reacting

Would you be surprised to hear a mother slamming the following poem?

"To the girls who may someday date my son. I have been waiting for you. Since the time my son was but a seed in my ovary, before his father's spunk took hold in my uterus and I grew him to become the trunk of the man he is now, I have been preparing

Thank you. And you just reminded me of those poor women who pledge their chastities to their fathers in church. What is this weird Oedipal bullshit about fathers hating their daughter's boyfriends and mother's babying their sons so they won't leave the nest? Sick, outdated bullshit. These tropes are nonsense and

Maybe I'm missing your point, but "mama's boy" is not a positive term. So, no it's not cool for either parent to baby their children.

The problem with your argument is that the Overprotective Father assumes that his daughter would never be in a consensual sexual relationship. I don't think anyone around here has a problem with that. If he's written a poem called "To the Boys who Catcall my Daughter" or "To the Guys who Might try to Sexually Assault

You entirely missed the point. But I'll bite at your comment anyway. I'll believe this doesn't have patriarchal roots the moment I see a father recite a poem warning all the girls his future son may date not to break his heart, too.

She hasn't put out a sex tape in forever. Kids today..... so lazy

Beyonce may not be everyone's favorite but she's worked to get where she is.

I'm not sure whether the comments here from people going "but incest is a meaningless taboo, those of you who don't agree are just bigots!" make me despair for humanity or just roll my eyes at the fact that people on the internet try much too hard to be edgy. Possibly a bit of both.

@NellMood: I like you, I really do. So spot on here. This is in no way two adults consenting to sexual activity. The man preyed on her when it was not legal to do so and utilized his relationship as a desired father figure to gain sexual access to her. He should be in jail.

YES! THANK YOU! He's a predator. He does not LOVE her. He just likes fucking her. If he loved her, he probably would have been around for most of her childhood, raising her and stuff. Instead, he's gone the whole time, then finally swings around to... offer an apology for skimping out on his responsibilities as

Actually I think incest like this is a crime in all 50 states. Laws start varying for first cousins and onwards.

And you basically put words into my mouth. What I basically said was I like how we can talk about things without being judged, like BDSM for example. However, when things like this come up, and someone says it's gross and/or wrong, they get dogpiled telling them that it's normal and they should open their mind.

There are so many things in this story making my skin crawl. The fact that she'd met him before, as a young child. The fact that she reached out to him online, at sixteen years old (sixteen!), and that his response was to comment on her body. The fact that he called her baby girl in that comment, and that she

They also said they met when she was seven.

I felt a little bad, because my first thought was "What is an 18yo still doing on MySpace?"

My first reaction was "EW...ewweweewewewewewew" and a full body squicked out chair squiggle. Dogpile away, but this? Is just wrong.

First, I don't want proof they're having sex, I want proof they're really biologically father and daughter.

I gotta say, one of the things I love about Jezebel is how open-minded everyone is... But one of the things I hate about Jezebel is how open-minded everyone is. We're open-minded enough to the point where things that should be (and, in my opinion are) wrong are considered okay and everyone who has a problem with it