If you seriously think this wasn’t alive, well, and popular af since way before that shit book/movie, you’ve been living under a rock.
If you seriously think this wasn’t alive, well, and popular af since way before that shit book/movie, you’ve been living under a rock.
Of course they gotta be white in the end, can’t be having those brownies and blackies steal the spotlight eh! -_-
No Soul Syndrome maybe
Please do.
I can literally think of 15 other things she could have done that did not involve harming let alone brutally and painfully killing a living being. The animal could have lived and the selfish sociopath could have still made her damn flight. Let’s be honest here, bitch was lazy and thought this was a quick fix. So she…
I can literally think of 15 other things she could have done that did not involve harming let alone brutally and painfully killing a living being. The animal could have lived and the selfish sociopath could have still made her damn flight. Let’s be honest here, she was lazy and thought this was a quick fix. So she…
I can literally think of 15 other things she could have done that did not involve harming let alone brutally and painfully killing a living being. The animal could have lived and the selfish sociopath could have still made her damn flight. Let’s be honest here, she was lazy and thought this was a quick fix. So she…
Yes, it has been imprinted into my mind that they are idiots and will never get my business. Pretty sure that has been imprinted in the minds of many after this ad.
I agree that that is a gross thing for them to do, but it’s doubtful that X Celebrity Watches Allen Film would have been front page news here regardless of who the celebrity was. There is more pressing news regarding Allen for them to post about, no? I could be wrong. Hopefully Jez will at least mention it in one of…
It’s not dismissal. It’s thorough debunking. By pretty much every major outlet and anyone with any credibility.
Kids if you don’t go to sleep on time, bronze Woody will come and get you! He is worse than the bogeyman lol
There are about a 100 articles now out, including a few on Jez, that have already debunked each and every of your tired little points. If there is anyone brainwashed here, it is you. Why you are obsessed with being a shill for a derivative old pedophile is beyond me.
why do any of us care
.... more like staggeringly creepy....
Fuck that. Don’t let Trump impede your enjoyment even more than he already has. Get away for a little while, fuck what anyone thinks. Get a little break from all bullshit lol.
Nah sweetie, bellydance workouts are really for fucking. Lol barre lookin like stiff old white lady sex. I should hope no one fucks like that XD
Somehow I think TimesUp and equal pay and other sexism issues might not be quite so important to him.
Oh, are we talking about alleged rapist Anthony Anderson? Of course he would be paid more.
Even better have the choir kneel as they sing it too... Maybe handstands to drive the point even further lol
None of those pathetic/shallow/dimwitted reasons are even halfway good enough LOL