I’m a product of “Just Say No,” but isn’t there some way to mix weed with other shit like meth to produce a combination drug that includes all the worst parts of weed with all the worst parts of meth (sort of like how a puggle seems to do with its component parents of pug and beagle)?
I blog about religion. It’s not going to be hard to find a way to make this an everyday occurrence. See ya at the pole...
These are all beautiful, but “dildochugger” has just become a permanent part of my vocabulary. I’d name my firstborn child Jamie Pinkham Bako if I had any intention of having children.
I seriously think it’s a control thing. He runs cold during the relationship; she drifts away. Then he realizes she’s almost out of reach and piles on the warmth and reels her back in. Then once she’s under control, he nests within his narcissism and enjoys feeling in-control again until she starts drifting away…
Jesus fucking christ, you dodged a bullet. What a shitbird, and what a shitbird of a family he has. The best revenge you could ever have is not being formally tied to him or any of his asshole relatives.
I appreciate you sharing that. I didn’t know that, and now I do.
Gee, I dunno, why are you tone trolling me? I guess if that’s all you’ve got, then it’s what you’ll try to deploy.
I think there’s a lot of truth to this. As it was, Jim Bob and Michelle’s own fuckups and dysfunction came through loud and clear in the interview.
I used to be Pentecostal, and yeah, any time I hear a Christian go on and on about modesty and godliness I can’t help but think “if that’s so important to you, why are you painting your face like that, YOU JEZEBEL WOMAN?” Going in against a Pentecostal about modesty is like going in against a Sicilian when death is on…
A fundamentalist Christian patriarch lies his ass off to protect his image and make his religion look nicer to outsiders — NEWS AT ELEVEN.
Something about Vince Vaughn just screams “hugely repressed” to me. It ain’t his looks that bug me. Hell, I’d fuck Iggy Pop in a heartbeat even though he looks like a lizard that crawled into a monitor, shorted it out, and died there in a blaze of sparks and ozone—because that is one guy who clearly could traumatize a…
Also, and not to double you so please forgive me, but the dickbag blamed her for everything; I’ve never seen an autistic/Asperger’s guy who did that. Normally they’d be mortified or at least puzzled. Either way they’d be thinking they must have done something wrong. Again, I’ve worked with these guys in the past. They…
Sure, anything’s possible. Maybe the woman with him had Asperger’s. Problem is, he’s mentally there, he’s just totally refusing to hear her clear hints because listening to her would ruin everything. Like this blogger here describes ( https://yesmeansyesblog.wordpress.com/2011/03/21/myt… ), if this were a man giving…
You and me both. :( That sounds worse and worse the more you talk about it. What in fucking fuckety fuck is wrong with some people?!? Good luck, hon. And good luck to Mr. Ghost too with whatever’s happening with him, and the poor poo-smelling goggie. Wine. Lots of wine. No way there’s too much wine for this. We’ll…
My personal theory? The dickbags who do this shit know that women don’t want to see their sad little boners, but they take childish delight in making women do and see stuff we don’t want to do and see. I seriously think it gets them off to think of a woman seeing their dick when we’re not willing to see their dick.…
“Hm. Where’s the rest of it?”
Oh, he just sounds like a standard-issue Nice Guy™ who was absolutely convinced that as long as his victim wasn’t screaming in his face and calling the cops, that he had a chance with her. I’ve known a lot of guys exactly like this and they all tend to gravitate toward inappropriate gifts and unwanted, over-the-top…