One of the training books used by their homeschooling curriculum does actually have a boy blaming his molestation of his sisters on their revealing clothing. Also on pornography and being forced to change diapers, but definitely it was his sisters’ fault for flaunting themselves around him. He learned his cult’s…
This photo was taken in 2004, was it? That’d be a year after she had Jim Bob discovered that Josh was forcibly molesting his sisters (who would almost certainly include those two wary-looking girls to Michelle’s immediate right, among others) for at least a year—and then covered it up. Their Mother of the Year ignored…
You’re just channeling what we were all thinking.
Pretty sure it’s the new Fantasia 2000 thing; IIRC she’s the wood sprite who gets caught in the forest fire. It’s gorgeous, through and through; the whole movie reminded me again of why Disney drops the fuckin’ mic on animation.
I only drink mine out of monogrammed thermoses.
I was thinking that myself. As a .jpg it was already great, and then I noticed that those awesome earrings were swaying and realized the lady in the .gif was just. That. Stunned.
I was married to a guy who joined the service for exactly that reason—he couldn’t think of anything else to do to earn money because his extremely wackadoodle religious views caused him to lose or not even obtain whatever shitty McJobs he did manage to find. The Army not only didn’t care that he was a dangerous…
Not to defend the guy, but he probably made that status with a smartphone. On my smartphone, the first time a word is entered into my texting dictionary, if it’s capitalized that first time, it’ll show up capitalized forever.
My parents didn’t force me to eat stuff, but they presented a wide variety of foods from all over the world and obviously enjoyed eating it. My mom was a good cook and never coddled us; if we didn’t like something she was making, we knew where the peanut butter and oatmeal were. She did give us fair warning before…
I mentioned my BF elsewhere; he was coddled in pickiness as a child and shockingly did not grow up to magically become a mature adult with a sophisticated palate the day he turned 18. He claimed he was a super-taster. No, he was not. He was just a man-child who was terrified of new things. Everywhere we went to eat,…
Even my German immigrant grandpa (born around 1905), who did not tolerate ethnic food of any kind on HIS table, liked spaghetti with meatballs and considered it American food. That’s just wild. Someone still thinks spaghetti is ethnic food?
I won the battle against tuna casserole somewhat similarly.
My ex-boyfriend grew up super-picky and his parents indulged it, so he became a super-picky adult who basically lived off Hot Pockets, chicken nuggets/patties, and Subway meatball subs. If it wasn’t white bread or protein, he didn’t eat it, and even then it had to be particular white bread and protein. No sauce, no…
I knew this one asshole in college who hauled his Caselogic satchel around like he was the goddamned Secret Service or something. If he’d been able to get his to light up in flashing neon colors to draw more attention to the fact that he was toting it around, he’d have done it. He also hauled around a gigantic…
Men do face DV themselves. And same-sex couples face it too. And transgender people probably face more abuse than pretty much any group. I’m sure you know that better than anybody here, having had firsthand information about it (and bless you for doing it!). That said, looking at sheer numbers, not percentages, just…
A friend of mine is a counselor for a program like this—meant as an intervention for at-risk high school boys before they offend. The shit she talks about is sometimes incredibly scary; these boys talk like villains from rape-awareness PSAs. They genuinely believe that women “ask for it” (meaning abuse, rape,…
Asshole has “anger management problems” written all over him. If he’s married, I want to know how many doors his wife walks into during a given week. Men this publicly obsessed with controlling women’s lives don’t tend to be sweethearts in private toward women.
Forcing women to get permission from their slave-masters (fathers, babydaddies, husbands, weird rando she slept with after closing call that night) is a way of disenfranchising them and stripping away their rights. When someone else is able to rip a woman’s decisions out of her hands, that person controls that woman.…
That’s awesome.