Informative and funny. Please do more posts like this.
Informative and funny. Please do more posts like this.
You guys, that baby may read this one day and give him or her a complex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's a tip for you YouTubers. Videos like these don't need cheesy music in them. Our sniffles and outright sobbing will provide the soundtrack.
I didn't take any offense to your comment. You're right. I was very cordial about the whole thing. Had they refused, I simply would've gone home. I'm not a chronic complainer, I usually try to glean something positive about every experience I have. This movie, IMHO was bad. According to the manager, I wasnt the first…
I wouldn't take anything Penn State University says regarding the best interest of children to heart.
I was honest. I told the manager the movie stunk and I wanted my money back. I showed them my receipt for the $5 Diet Coke and $4 popcorn I bought too. They made money off me, so they had no problem honoring my request.
Midnight in Paris was god awful. I went to the manager and got my money back when it was done.
Rooney Mara deserved the nomination just for nailing that accent. I hope she wins.
Nick Nolte was amazing in Warrior. Not your typical sports movie.
Awww yeah! Cuz there's no such thing as an innocent mistake!
How do you know he hasn't apologized to those people?
Trust me, her blood work is not stellar. That's the def of type 2 diabetes.