
I can’t watch it. I’m a veteran, who was sitting in my cousin’s living room when the jets hit the towers and went on to get the White House. When they started shit in Iraq, I called someone else and said, “WTF are we doing over there??? That’s not where that MF is ... he’s in Afghanistan!” Then, I proceeded to watch

Oh god, that’s literally the republicans worst nightmare at this point.

Kemp is trash, as anyone along with me in GA has known since his first primary ad with him blowing shit up and revving chainsaws. And he should be worried about all of us “The Blacks” voting in record numbers. He should be very worried about it, because that’s what’s about to happen. It doesn’t really matter who he

Kemp is doing everything short of throwing votes directly into garbage cans and that amount of cheating still can’t stop us when we mobilize and get off of our asses.

I mean he isn’t even a good politician from the stand point of what a politician is supposed to do: pass meaningful legislation and/or bolstering party power.

The rare feat of getting a Gawker writer to be a pariah in the usually fawning comments of their own blog. Congrats, you punctured the echo chamber.

Not when that 28-year-old journalist is spouting the political opinions of a 15-year-old.

I mean, it’s usually a good internet comment section finishing move, to call someone a racist or sexist. You just have to have some kind of realistic basis to ground it in before it can take hold or, as Libby did here, it backfires and you expose yourself as every bit the jackass you’ve been accused of being.

Please point out the sexist part of the comment.

When she’s critiquing the first POC elected president?

Nope, sorry, not sexist.  And I’d be the first to call it that if it was.

I wish I could give you a bunch of stars because your original comment is utterly and completely gender neutral. Hopefully one day she will learn that pulling out the sexist card in such a manner is very harmful.

Libby, young children of both sexes are wet behind the ears. You’re whipping the sexist card prematurely and losing all credibility in the process.

pretty sexist to describe a 28 year old female journalist as a child

Chill, child.

Former President Doesn’t Get It; Wet Behind The Ears Child Blogger Gets Everything

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This is all good in theory, but when a large percentage of hoods in the US start at rib-cage height or higher, I don’t think this is going to work all that often!