I mean, my guess is that the moment the guy broke in the police were alerted. Which is why Mr. Pelosi was still alive when they arrived.
I mean, my guess is that the moment the guy broke in the police were alerted. Which is why Mr. Pelosi was still alive when they arrived.
Justice Alito: “Yea but the leak of the RvW decision made us targets.”
The anarchy symbol makes me doubt who actually left the graffiti behind...
Well, yeah - shouting “where’s Nancy??” while attacking her husband is a pretty clear indicator that it was politically motivated. Absolutely horrifying.
Things you can say to lose credibility, in increasing order of impact:
There has never been evidence that ghosts exist. There has been evidence that all sorts of things cause hallucinations, and that sometimes people have a hard time telling the difference between being awake and dreaming and don’t notice the transition from one to another.
None of these people have fucked ghosts. Ghosts don’t exist. Stop repeating obvious bullshit.
Because now when he eventually and inevitably runs for office he can put "war veteran" on the resume.
Yeah I hate to be cynical but this doesn't smell right.
Considering that foreign volunteers have to sign a contract stating they'll stay and fight until the end of war, I imagine he did use his last name to get out of Ukraine when he was done being a "tourist" soldier
The fact that an old man doesn’t like new things is shocking.
Maybe this family should be concerned with the real life atrocities they and their ancestors committed to stay wealthy instead of worrying about a history-lite TV show.
This. So much this. If I were in McNally’s shoes, I would make sure that before he was allowed back he personally and publicly apologized to the staff. He harassed and humiliated them, and he could have gotten them fired. At the very least, he should have to eat some humble pie. Corden is well known as an asshole who…
This is such a betrayal to front of house. Way to go, management.
Tell me when Cordon walks into the restaurant and apologizes to the servers in the same public way he humiliated them in the first place.
“escalated to him lying under Wilde’s car so she couldn’t leave.”
It’s just gross. Anyway, an engagement that lasts 7 years plus, outside of an tween pre arranged marriage (and that’s a thin excuse) is a mutual admission of codependent failure even prior to the break up. The wedding, if it ever comes to that, is an even further commitment to the ideal of an unhappy union.
I keep wondering if there’s anything to the woman’s fear of the neighbor’s calling the police...especially given that they’d visited the house at least three times in the past year according to some articles.
Begs the question why is it up to some dudes in the police departement to decide what is and what is not a serious emergency when facts are facts.
People have disappeared, should be common sense to assume something or someone happened to them.
As WillSelfDestruct said, they cops are playing semantics. “What you told us was accurate, but there was no indication that what you told us was accurate” is how they will continue to justify their own failure to protect these women.